Copenhagen Subway Map

Copenhagen Subway Map


For events, consult Copenhagen This Week. The Royal Theater is home to the world-famous Royal Danish Ballet; the box office is located at Tordenskjoldsg. 7. (Open M-Sa 10am-6pm.) For same-day half-price tickets, head to the Tivoli ticket office, Vesterbrog. 3. ( 33 15 10 12. Open mid-Apr. to mid-Sept. daily 10am-8pm; mid-Sept. to mid-Apr. 9am-7pm.) Call Arte, Hvidkildevej 64 (38 88 22 22), to ask about student discounts. Tickets for a variety of events are sold online at The relaxed Kul-Kafeen, Teglgirdsstr. 5, is a great place to see live performers, listen to stand-up comedy, and grab a bite. (Sandwiches 51kr. Open M 6pm-midnight, Tu-Sa 6pm-2am.) During the world-class Copenhagen Jazz Festival ( 33 93 20 13; in mid-July, the city teems with free outdoor concerts. Other festivals include the Swingin’ Copenhagen festival in late May ( and the Copenhagen Autumn Jazz festival in early November.


In Copenhagen, weekends often begin on Wednesday, clubs rock until Sam, and then the morning pubs open up. On Tuesday and Thursday, most bars and clubs have reduced covers and cheap drinks. The city center, Nsrrebro, and Osterbro reverberate with hip, crowded bars. Fancier options abound along Nyhavn, but loads of Danes just bring beer and sit on the pier. Copenhagen is known for its progressive view on homosexuality, but its gay and lesbian scene is surprisingly calm.

II Park, 0sterbrog. 79, in the 0sterbro. An enormous, enormously popular club with 2 packed dance floors, a live music hall, and a rooftop patio. Beer 40kr. Cover Th-Sa 60kr. Restaurant open Tu-Sa llam-lOpm. Club open Th-Sa llam-5am, Su-Tu 11am-midnight, W llam-2am.

IS Rust, Guldbergsg. 8, in Nerrebro. More intimate than other area nightclubs, with a chic, yet chill ambience. Expect lines after lam. Cover W 35kr, Th 30kr, F-Sa 50kr. No cover (but no crowd) before 11pm. Open W-Sa 10pm-5am.

The Moose Bar, on Svaertevej. Low on ambiance, high on local spirit. Cheap Happy-Hour specials. Happy HourTu, Th, and Sa 9pm-6am. 2 pints 30kr. 2 mixed drinks 25kr. Open Su-M, and W llam-2am, Tu and Th-Sa llam-6am.

IN, Norreg. 1. Steep cover comes with free champagne and wine once inside. Lively and popular club after hours. 18+. Th cover men 130kr, women 80kr; F-Sa 165kr. Open W 10pm-4am, Th llpm-6am, F llpm-8am, Sa llpm-lOam.

JazzHouse, Niels Hemmingsens G. 10 ( Copenhagen’s premier jazz venue. Cover (from 70kr) depends on the performer. Concerts Th 8:30pm, F-Sa 9:30pm. Dance club open Th-Sa midnight-5am.

Heaven, Kompagnistr. 18. Popular and lively gay bar and cafe. Cafe open Sept.-Apr. Th and Su 6-10pm, F-Sa 6-llpm. Bar open Su-Th noon-2am, F-Sa noon-5am.

PAN Club and Cate, Knabrostr. 3. Gay cafe, bar, and disco. Cover F-Sa 50kr. Cafe open W-Th 9pm, F-Sa 10pm; disco opens 11pm and gets going around lam.

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