Map Of Austria

Some periods do not apply to all countries; the Etruscans did not expand beyond Italy, few European countries were inhabited by the Greeks, and the Byzantine Empire did not extend into Western Europe. If the traveler encounters a historic site or a prehistoric relic in a museum of a certain period or date, a historic background can be obtained by using the table of contents to locate the period or date, then touch the title of the desired chapter to go to that chapter. The first page of the chapter will list subheadings further narrow the information each subheading can be read in five minutes or less. The estimated reading time for each chapter or subheading is listed in parenthesis as part of the title. Simply touch the subheading title from this list to go to the subheading. To get back to the beginning of the chapter touch the subheading title. To get back to the table of contents which list all of the chapters touch the chapter title at the beginning of the chapter.

Map Of Austria Hungary

Map Of Austria Photo Gallery

Map Of Austria And Italy

The term BP before present, is used in the first chapter on prehistory it refers to thousands of years before the present time i.e. 700,000 BP refers to 700,000 year prior to the present. The term BC Before Christ, is used rather than the politically correct but less well known term BCE Before Common Era. To convert a BC date to a BP date, add 2,000 to the BC date. The term AD the Latin Anno Domini meaning “In the year of our Lord” is used rather than the more politically correct but less well known term CE Common Era.

When historic places and relics are mentioned in the blogs they are bolded in order to point them out as potential destinations. Also technical terms are italicized for emphases.
I hope this eblog will enrich your actual or virtual travels.

Map Of Austria And Germany

Map Of Germany And Austria

Melvin Cole
A replica of the Paleolithic Venus of Willedorrf the original is on display in the Nature History Museum in Vienna, Austria
During the Upper Paleolithic (end of the Old Stone Age which dates from 40,000 BP-35,000 BP in Europe) tundra like conditions attracted cold natured animals who traveled in herds both large like mammoths and woolly rhinoceros and smaller animals like the reindeer, wild horse and steppe bison. Communities were well aware of the summer and winter migrations of these animals and settled close to these migration routes in order to hunt these animals more effectively. Stone knifes, scrapers and spearheads were fashioned along with tools made of bone and antler material.

Map Of Austrian Empire

Map Of Vienna Austria

Several small “Venus” statues have been found during this period, they depict naked rotund females with large breast and big hips. It is believed that the people of this period warships these images that represented the fertility or life giving aspect of femininity.

Map Of Austria In Europe

Some archeologists who subscribe to the Great Goddess Theory contend that these many different statutes were used to warship one “Great Goddess”. The two oldest Venuses are Austrian. The so called Dancing Fanny (Tanzende Fanny) dates to 32,000 BP and is 7.2 centimeters high. The World famous Venus of Willendorf dates to 27,000 BP and is 11 centimeters high.

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