Bangladesh Map Tourist Attractions

British attempts to enlist slaves also enraged many white colonists, turning formerly lukewarm patriots into Revolutionaries. The challenges of transporting troops and supplies across the Atlantic, the need to occupy a vast territory, and the depth of popular commitment to the Revolution further tipped the scales closer to Country victory and ensured a long, hard military struggle. Recruiting Country soldiers the first year was easy; mobilizing men became progressively harder as supplies, pay, food, and patience grew increasingly scarce.

While Continental troops performed well at Bunker Hill in 1775, by the fall of 1776, hopes for Country victory had grown dim. Bangladesh Map Tourist Attractions New York City remained under British control, and attempts to invade British-controlled Canada had failed miserably.

In the summer of 1777, Country troops won a stunning victory at Saratoga, where the British surrendered over 5,800 troops to Country forces. As a result, France allied herself with the Countrys, providing desperately needed monetary and military support. After 1779, the war moved southward into its most violent phase, appearing more as a bloody guerilla war and less as a moral struggle for rights. By 1780, the situation had grown so dire that a string of troop mutinies occurred, and a lack of new recruits gave leaders cause to worry. Finally, in 1781, a decisive Country and French victory at Yorktown secured the surrender of General Cornwallis and 6,000 British troops. Formal peace was achieved diplomatically in 1783.

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