Bay State Lobster Company US Map & Phone & Address

Bay State Lobster Company US Map & Phone & Address

• 395 Commercial St, Boston; (617) 523-7960 Along the waterfront, this is the supermarket of inexpensive fish. Bay State’s stuff is not always local, but the prices are good. All kinds of fresh and frozen seafood can be found here, along with various condiments. Bay State’s own cocktail sauce is $2.29 for a one-pound container, and it’ll go well on fresh small shrimp at $2.99 a pound. Or get a tub of clam chowder base and some fresh qua.

Bay State Lobster Company US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

East Coast Seafood The trip’s a bit of an odyssey, but an extensive selection of fresh live lobster (from $4.99 per pound) and other seafood purchased daily from local and national fisherman make this waterfront spot more than worth it hogs at 69? a pound. Bay State’s lobsters start around $5 a pound off-sea-son. During the summer they can go under $2. Plus swordfish, perch, and cod. Open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays; 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturdays.

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