Beau Jest Moving Theater US Map & Phone & Address

Piano Factory Theater, 791 Tremont St. Boston; (617) 437-0657

Beau Jest calls itself a center for movement-based theater, dance, and physical comedy. After ten years performing around the country (including the annual Serious Fun festival at New York’s Lincoln Center), this innovative company has founded its own performance space in the South End. Here, they stage their own creations and welcome visiting theater, cabaret, and dance companies. They generally produce three shows a year; it’s always inventive, unusual, and sometimes downright wacky. Because the theater is tiny, it’s a good idea to reserve your seats in advance. Ticket prices vary, but the usual rates are $8 general, $5 for students and seniors.

Beau Jest Moving Theater US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

Farne Island, along with Staple and Longstone, are the only three islands open to visitors between April and September, but Farne and Staple have very restricted access during the breeding season. Like Staple, it has a magical attraction for the birdwatching community, who arrive at the sheltered landing site at St. Cuthbert’s Cove in their hundreds during the spring and summer. The peaty soil covering almost two thirds of Farne Island is honeycombed with old rabbit warrens, attracting large numbers of breeding puffins that use the burrows to nest in and raise their chicks. Eider ducks and hundreds of Arctic, roseate, sandwich and common terns also nest on the grassy surface of Farne, while the rocky cliffs and ledges are occupied by hundreds of kittwakes, shags, fulmars, guillemots and razorbills. After so many years, the ever-clicking cameras of dozens of eager, chatting twitchers seldom disturb the nesting birds. The Pele tower on Farne Island is generally not open to visitors, because it is where the National Trust wardens live, although another three or four live on Brownsman. Farne is the biggest island in all the Farnes, but surprisingly it has had only four ships wrecked on it in the last 160 years: two sloops, a brig and, most recently, the tug William Follows and a lighter on 12 March1934. It is not known whether anyone lost their lives on any of those vessels. Knoxes Reef lies about 200 metres off the northeast corner of Farne Island and stretches over half a mile in an easterly direction on a low spring tide.

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