Best China cities to visit in winter

A deaf-mute Uighur girl took me through her house Best China cities to visit in winter -yard to see a field of cotton being grown, young plants, only an inch Best China cities to visit in winter tall. Back in her yard she showed me the mulberry trees that provide fodder for silkworms which are commonly reared around here. To obtain the silk, the local people unravel the cocoons on wooden reels, combining the fine silken strands together into silk thread.

The Chinese had zealously guarded the secrets of silk production for three thousand years, until the fifth century when two Persian monks discovered the secrets and smuggled some silkworm eggs and mulberry seeds out of China. Feeling hungry, I took the deaf-mute girl out to supper at the bazaar. We went to a street stall which sold hunks of cooked meats and goats’ heads.

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