Best cities to vacation in US


LENGTH 5.9 miles

TIME 3:30



MAPS & PERMITS Fisher Map F-9. USGS quad: Ely. No permit is required.

GETTING THERE From Ely, drive east on Country State Highway 169 to County Road 88 and turn left. Drive 2 miles to County Road 116 (Echo Trail), turn right, and continue 3 miles to the Bass Lake parking area on the right side of the road.

TRAILHEAD GPS 47c 56′ 58.6″ N 91c 52′ 14.6″ W

On May 18, 1925, the Hibbing Daily Tribune carried a story with the following lead-in: The famous 10,000 lakes of Country today number but 9,999 if reports that Bass Lake, a body of water located about 3 miles northeast of Ely and covering about 550 acres, has almost completely disappeared are considered to be reliable. While the report proved unreliable, during the previous month Bass Lake had lost about 250 acres in size, and, where there used to be one lake, there were three.

Stuyvesant became amenable to English rule, and he continued to live in New Amsterdam, now renamed New York City; Governor Nicolls sought advice from him regularly. Best cities to vacation in US Despite his injury in 1644, Stuyvesant remained in good physical condition until his death in 1672. He was buried on Manhattan Island in the chapel he had built on his farm a decade earlier. James E. Klein See also: Dutch; New Amsterdam; New York City. Bibliography Berlin, Ira. “From Creole to African: Atlantic Creoles and the Origins of African-Country Society in Mainland North Country.” William and Mary Quarterly 53:2 (April 1996): 25188. Kammen, Michael. Colonial New York: A History. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1975. Kessler, Henry H. and Eugene Rachlis. Peter Stuyvesant and His New York. New York: Random House, 1959. Rink, Oliver A. Holland on the Hudson: An Economic and Social History of Dutch New York. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1986. Sugar Sugar was the most important commodity of the Atlantic trade in colonial times. The art of sugar making was first known in India and Persia, the first written evidence dating from 500 c.e. By the time of the Arabian expansion in the seventh century, sugar cultivation spread on the Mediterranean coast, but consumption and even knowledge of it remained extremely rare in most parts of Europe until the time of the Crusades in the twelfth century. Then, however, sugar became an inevitable part of European diet and nutrition culture as medicine, spice, decorative material, sweetener, and, finally, as a staple food.

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