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Air France: South Africa ®0860 340 340; w, Johannesburg to Paris; connections throughout Europe.

British Airways: South Africa ®0860 Oil 747; Johannesburg to London; connections to the rest of Western Europe from ZAR3400.

Lufthansa: South Africa ®0861 842 538; From Cape Town, Dur ban, and Johannesburg to Germany and elsewhere.

Virgin Atlantic: South Africa ®0113 403 400; Flies to London from both Cape Town and Johannesburg.

In Lancaster, Rowlandson married minister Joseph Rowlandson around 1656. With this marriage, Rowlandson rose in status to become the most prominent woman in town and the only one entitled to the honorific mistress instead of goodwife. The loss of status that Rowlandson later suffered during her captivity would be a recurrent theme in her biography. The best country to visit A bold, independent, and pious woman, Rowlandson had borne at least three children by 1676. In that year, her husband went to Boston to plead for troops to defend Lancaster from expected native attacks by Metacom (King Philip) and his supporters. About 400 Narragansetts, Nipmucs, and Wampanoags from a large intertribal encampment at the Nipmuc town of Menameset about 25 miles to the south attacked Lancaster on February 10, 1676. When English soldiers arrived, the Rowlandsons’ garrison house soon stood engulfed in flames, while fourteen townspeople lay dead and twenty-three had been taken away as captives. By the end of March, English would flee Lancaster as too difficult to defend. Joseph Rowlandson remained in Boston and declined a position as army chaplain in order to devote his energies to securing the release of his family.

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