Best Travel Destinations Australia

Best Travel Destinations Australia

The entire Roman town of Pompeii was buried under ash, following the eruption of nearby Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD. When it was excavated centuries later, bodies were found encased, in the same position as when the lava had consumed them I saw some of the encased bodies on display; also, homes of the aristocracy still in pretty good condition; and, the ruts of carriage tracks in the cobblestone roads.

Best Travel Destinations Australia Photo Gallery

On my cruises, since starting in 2001, I have seen and experienced so many, many things and different peoples and cultures.

On my way to Vancouver to take the cruise ship to Alaska, I spent the night in a posh hotel room in Seattle – where I had arrived by plane, my very first visit there being by Greyhound bus in late January 1971.

I never would have thought that I would visit Vancouver twice in my lifetime; or, see 300 foot tall redwoods, some possibly 12 feet or more wide.

My first real cruise was to Vancouver Island by the biggest and most luxurious boat I had ever been on, up to that time, in my life. The biggest I had a travelled on before were two boats – the Federal Palm and Federal Maple – donated to the Federation of the West Indies by the Canadian government.

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