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Mucker Lake-Border Route


0.0 Walk ahead on Forest Road 317.

0.1 Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) permit box at a fork in the trail. Fill out a permit at this point before continuing on the right fork, the Mucker Lake Trail. The left fork provides access to Topper Lake in about 0.4 mile.

0.4 BWCAW boundary. The road narrows to a foot path.

0.7 Trail intersection and the start of the circuit portion of this hike. You will return to this point from the Border Route Trail via the trail on the left. Proceed by continuing straight ahead on the Mucker Lake Trail.

0.8 Trail intersection; bear left in a small grassy clearing, passing the trail that continues straight ahead.

1.4 Trail intersection; bear left on the Mucker Lake Trail, passing the trail to the right which passes south of Hoat Lake and on to East Otter Lake.

1.5 Cross a small stream flowing east to Hoat Lake which is visible to the right.

1.8 Beaver dam at the north side of Hoat Lake. Follow the trail which is just to the left of the stream flowing north to Mucker Lake. In about 250 feet the trail comes to a small wetland in a narrow valley. Make your way along the base of the slope on your left. In another 400 feet, the trail reenters the forest.

2.0 The trail comes to yet another beaver dam and for the next hundred feet or so is likely to be under water. To continue cross the stream and push on straight ahead until you reach drier ground bearing in mind that this is a wilderness trail.

2.2 The trail crosses a stream and begins to ascend to the Border Route Trail.

Perhaps their major contribution lives on in the country’s name, Best US cities for vacation Ayiti, or Haiti. COLUMBUS AND THE SPANISH ERA Christopher Columbus landed on Hispaniola’s north shore on Best US cities for vacation December 5, 1492. It was his third landfall in the Americas. His first landing, on October 12, is believed to have been on San Salvador (also called Watling), a small island in the outer Bahamas. He also landed on Cuba’s northeastern coast before reaching Hispaniola, where he built a small fort. Because the settlement was founded on December 24, he named it La Navi-dad (Christmas).

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