Best Vacation Spots Central America

Well, that’s not quite true – because I had taken the early morning hours to wander around the bustling city of Idaho Falls to catch some sights and a few trains before the family got up, so I got to be out as the rains started to fall.

Although on the bright side, with how dark it was with the impending rain, I was able to use somewhat slower shutter speeds to ‘smooth’ the water of the city’s namesake Idaho Falls in a last image before rain blurred up the lens at quarter to six in the morning.

Best Vacation Spots Central America Photo Gallery

Undaunted, we’d hit the road at seven all set for Yellow Stonejust because the weather forecast said sixty percent chance of thunderstorms didn’t mean we wouldn’t enjoy a rollicking goodtraffic jam Almost nine in the morning, not even to Jelly Stone and I just shut the car down on the highway, because it was gridlock with construction.

At least it was still rainingharder. Maybe it would rain itself out by the time we got to the park entrance. Plus, with the traffic being slowed here, the park would be devoid of people.

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