Big Bear Hiking Map

My next two days to Grants were kinder. Sunshine replaced storms and the cool mountain air was a pleasure to hike in. I travelled between water sources, sometimes a spring, other times a wind pump, gauging my water needs for each section.

After three days and a final section of road walking that took its toll on my legs and feet, I hobbled into Grants, checked in at the first motel I came to, and collapsed on the bed.

A leisurely day followed. Apart from my body aching afer the road walk, for once I felt the need to laze. I worked my way through the usual town tasks of showering, laundry, resupplying for the next section and cramming as much food into my body as I could.

Big Bear Hiking Map Photo Gallery

I needed the rest. In fact I needed rest more than I thought. I should have stayed in Grants for a good two weeks just resting, eating good food and looking after myself. If I had done that, then the next section from Grants wouldn’t have ended so unexpectedly.

There wasn’t much going on at 6am Leaving the motel I glanced at the sky. Weak moonlight and the first flush of sunrise backlit ominous clouds, as they had done since my start four weeks earlier. I was grateful for the calm air; early mornings were the only time for respite, and the winds increased in intensity once more during the afernoon.

I couldn’t resist breakfast to fuel up for the thirty miles I had planned.

“It is unusual yes,” offered the guy sitting near me in Denny’s. “Never seen this much rain for the time of year. Weather patterns are all over the place.”

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