Brookline Booksmith US Map & Phone & Address

279 Harvard St. Brookline; (617) 566-6660

This busy bookstore, one of the area’s most popular, hosts author readings and book signings about once or twice a week! These include big names: Alice Hoffman, Sue Miller, and Deepak Chopra have all dropped by. That’s unusual for an independent; but this is no ordinary neighborhood store. Readings, always free, usually take place in the early evening; space is limited, however, so you may want to pick up tickets in advance or make a reservation by phone.

Murder, she read . Every month, Booksmith sponsors a Mystery Night, which usually presents a pair of talespinners reading from their latest works. Two reading circles also convene at the bookstore; one focuses on science fiction, the other discusses both contemporary and classic fiction. Again, all of these events are free of charge.

Even little ones can get in on the action, thanks to a regular series of kids’ events. Puppet-making, storytelling, and even visits from favorite storybook characters take place throughout the year, with more frequent sessions during summer vacation; and they are (you guessed it!) free.

Brookline Booksmith US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

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