Carpet Mill Outlet Store Boston US Map & Phone & Address

Carpet Mill Outlet Store Boston US Map & Phone & Address

• 1602 Concord St, Framingham; (508)877-8002

If you’re planning to carpet a room or a house, check out these folks for an estimate. Their prices may not be much lower than other retail stores, but the same amount of money here gets you higher-quality materials that will ultimately last longer and look better. They will also try to save you money by measuring the yardage as efficiently as possible; a hidden seam here or there may mean less scrap to pay for.

They also have a big selection of unbound remnants, in over one hundred varieties of materials, thickness, and colors. At $5 a yard and up, these can be up to 50% less than retail prices. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 pm, Thursday and Friday evenings til 8, and Sundays 1-5.

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