Institute of Contemporary Art US Map & Phone & Address

Institute of Contemporary Art US Map & Phone & Address

955 Boylston St, Boston; (617) 266-5152

The latest in avant-garde and art films by national, international, and Boston filmmakers are screened in the intimate confines of the ICA Theatre. Sometimes these are introduced by the auteurs themselves. Admission is generally $5; $4 for students, seniors, and ICA members.

Motion Odyssey Movie; M.O.M.

Jordan’s Furniture, 100 Stockwell Dr. Avon; (508) 580-4900

More like a Disney ride than a movie, M.O.M has a four-story screen, 48 multi-directional chairs, and an action-packed movie with you as part of the adventure. Crazier still, M.O.M. is found in a discount furniture store!

Jordan’s has always been known for its offbeat salesmanship. The idea is: If you give people enough good reasons, they’ll come in to buy furniture from anywhere.” And this ride is a good reason at least, to come in. The seats move in eight computer-controlled directions, so that you really feel the motion seen in the film. What are the morally uplifting subjects of such a cinematic experience? Dune buggies, roller coasters,elevators, and other thrillsn chills the usual.

Admission is $4, and $3 for children under 13. Not that this is intended as a moneymaker; all profits are donated to a different charity each month, from the Red Cross to the AIDS Action Committee. Open daily from 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.M. (Saturdays from 10 A M.), and Sundays from 12-5 RM

Institute of Contemporary Art US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

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