Champagne Brunch Cruise in Los Angeles

Today we are champaign cruising down the California coastline. We’re going to have a buffet, bottomless champaign, sunshine because it’s sunny every day in L.A. and check out our ride. We are definitely traveling in style. Well the atmosphere down here is so amazing.

Champagne Brunch Cruise Near Me

Champagne Brunch Cruise in Los Angeles Photo Gallery

We’re at Fishermen’s Village, which is right where you board the cruise. There’s live music, cafes, everyone is dancing. This is such a fun energy right here! He’s got more energy than me. Hi, thank you.

Champagne Brunch Cruise Nyc

So it’s time to hit the buffet and I thought I’d do you guys a favor and taste test everything for you. Oh, eggs benedict. I’ll be totally that girl at the buffet that got one of everything as you can see from this smorgasbord of food. You know you’ve got problems when you have to stack your desserts on top of one another like Jenga. It’s like a blueberry jam crepe, yum. We just got engaged and we’re celebrating with a cruise.

Champagne Brunch Cruise Sf

Nice and just relaxing, do you think? What do you think that the customers like the most about the cruises? Well I hope they like the captain a lot, but it’s brunch, but it’s not at a hotel or a restaurant or in a confined space.

Champagne Brunch Cruise Milwaukee

It’s the panoramic views you have. So we’ve been cruising for the past two hours, hit the buffet, the bubbly’s still flowing, there’s some relaxing live music. This is really the perfect weekend getaway to really take in some of the California coastline.

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