Cologne Metro Map

Cologne Metro Map

MUSEUMS. DlHeinrich-Boil-Platz houses two complementary collections: the Museum Ludwig, which spans Impressionism through Dali, Lichtenstein, and Warhol; and the Agfa Foto-Historama, which chronicles photography through the last 150 years, including a rotating display of Man Ray’s works. (Bischofsgarten-str. 1. Open Su and Sa llam-6pm, Tu 10am-8pm, W-F 10am-6pm. 6.40, students 3.20.) The galleries of the Wallraf-Richartz Museum are lined with masterpieces from the Middle Aged to the Post-Impressionist. (Martinstr. 39. From the Heumarkt, take Gurzenichtstr. 1 block to Martinstr. Open Su and Sa llam-6pm, Tu 10am-8pm, W-F 10am-6pm. 5.10, students 2.60.) The Romisch-Germanisches Museum displays a large array of artifacts documenting the daily lives of Romans rich and poor. (Roncallipl. 4. Open Su and Tu-Sa 10am-5pm. 3, students 2.) Four words about the GSchokoladen Museum (Chocolate Museum): Willy Wonka made real. It presents every step of chocolate production from the rainforests to the gold fountain that spurts streams of silky chocolate. Resist the urge to drool and wait for the free samples. (Rheinauhafen la, near the Severinsbrucke. From the train station, head for the river, walk along the Rhine heading right, go under the Deutzer Briicke, and take the 1st footbridge. Open M-F 10am-6pm, Sa-Su llam-7pm. 5.50, students 3.) The Kathe-Kollwitz-Museum houses the world’s largest collection of sketches, sculptures, and prints by the brilliant 20th-century artist-activist. (Neumarkt 18-24. On the top fl. in the Neumarkt-Passage. U12,14, 16, or 18 to Neumarkt. Open Su and Sa Uam-6pm, Tu-F 10am-6pm. 2.50, students 1.)

HOUSE #4711. The fabled Eau de Cologne, once prescribed as a drinkable curative, gave the town worldwide recognition. Today the house where it was born, labeled #4711 by a Napoleonic system that abolished street names, is a boutique where a corner fountain flows freely with the scented water. Visit the gallery upstairs for a full history of the famous fragrance. (Glockeng. at the intersection with Tunisstr. From Hohe Str. turn right on Brijckenstr. which becomes Glockeng. Open M-F 9:30am-8pm, Sa 9:30am-4pm.)

ROMISCHES PRAETORIUM UND KANAL. The excavated ruins of the former Roman military headquarters display remains of Roman gods and an array of rocks left by early inhabitants. (From the Rathaus, take a right toward the swarm of hotels and then a left onto Kleine Budeng. Open Su and Sa llam-4pm, Tu-F 10am-4pm. 1.50, students 0.75.)

Cologne Metro Map Photo Gallery

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