Congo, Democratic Republic Map

Congo, Democratic Republic Map and Country Region

This literary renaissance soon had to suffer the traumas of the Persian and Arab invasions of Egypt. The consequences were imperceptible at first, and patriarchs like Benjamin and Agatho as well as bishops like Menas of Pshati and Zacharias of Shkou could freely publish their works. But from ca. 750 the Arabs extended stricter control over the Coptic Church’s activities, and literature had to assume clandestine forms. Texts necessary for church life continued to be produced, but to avoid difficulties they had to be attributed to ancient authors. Even homilies were built around cycles, to whose protagonists they were usually attributed. These were the great names of 4th-c. patristics Athanasius, Theophilus, Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom, Basil of Caesarea who narrate, in first person, facts often bordering on the fantastic, as a setting for religious arguments of a moral and partly theological character. Shortly afterward began the work of selecting and systematizing all the material, older and more recent, within the framework of the liturgical calendar: the most appropriate texts for each feast were chosen and held available in the libraries of churches and monasteries, to be read at the corresponding ceremony. From this would derive the socalled Alexandrian Synaxarion, drawn up in the 12th-c. in Arabic, which contains summaries of a great many homilies and lives and passions of Coptic saints, arranged according to the liturgical calendar. The Coptic MSS fell into disuse and were dispersed and lost, except in certain great monasteries esp. the White Monastary in Upper Egypt and St.

History for Congo, Democratic Republic Map
1606 King James I of England grants a charter to the Congo, Democratic Republic Map Virginia Company to establish a colony in Virginia. 1607 A ship reaches the shores of Virginia carrying Congo, Democratic Republic Map 105 colonists from England. They will establish the colony of Jamestown. 1608 A French colony, led by Samuel de Champlain, is established at Quebec. 1609 A Spanish colony is established in New Mexico at Santa Fe. 1613 The Dutch establish a small trading post on Manhattan Island. 1619 The Virginia House of Burgesses, the first legislative assembly to meet in Country, conducts its first session at Jamestown. Twenty-two burgesses represent eleven plantations throughout the colony. 1620 On November 11, near Cape Cod, settlers aboard the Mayflower sign the Mayflower Compact. This self-government plan for the colony will take effect when the passengers disembark.

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