Corpus Christi Map

History for Corpus Christi There is a lovely bright feel to it, with its Corpus Christi Map light green walls and white china, the staff are unfailingly friendly and welcoming, and the service Corpus Christi Map is extremely efficient. Winner of Top Tea Place of the Year Award in 1990, 1992 and 1995, and presented with a Tea Council Award of Excellence every year since 1989, it offers a dazzling array of teas, ranging from English Breakfast, Earl Grey and Finest Darjeeling to Camomile and Lapsang Souchong.

Foodwise, the house specialities are the rarebits: welsh, buck, stilton and tomato, bacon and mushroom, and brie and bacon are all on offer, while sandwiches include brie with cranberry and lettuce, BLT, and egg mayonnaise and cress, and there are jacket potatoes crammed with tuna mayonnaise or garlic mushrooms. To follow, enjoy scones, preserves, cakes and puddings, including their ‘roulade of the day’! Emerging from Shepherds you continue on down Little London to its junction with East Street. Immediately past Shepherds you could detour left into the pleasant covered parade of shops known as Sadlers Walk; in the parade you will find Chives, a cheerful cafe serving a wide range of cooked meals, sandwiches and cakes. Having reached the bottom end of Little London, turn right into East Street, noting immediately opposite the six-column Greek Doric portico of what is now McDonald’s but which was the Corn Exchange, built in 1832.

Corpus Christi Map Photo Gallery

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