Datong Subway Map

Some of their women wear white veils over the back of Datong Subway Map their heads, with tunics and black baggy trousers, while the men wear Chinese Mao clothes Datong Subway Map and coolie hats. Yinchuan city seems to be made up of many villages joined together by a new town, modernising fast. Almost all the concrete buildings have been constructed in the last six years. Much construction was still going on. My hotel was in the process of building new wings, and cartloads of modem reinforced concrete pillars were being pulled along by time-honoured donkey power. On the roads there was little motorised traffic, and it didn’t seem to have any road sense.

Laura explained why Madame Modjeska was here. She always wanted to play the female lead, Kate, in Taming of the Shrew but never had the opportunity. In the 1950s Taming of the Shrew was being performed at the theater. Actress Adysse Lane was the lead female and unfortunately forgot her lines in one scene. Laura said, “Her spirit (Madame Modjeska) was there, and when Adysse lost her lines Madame supposedly mouthed the words (to Adysse).”

Since then many people claim to have seen and heard Madame. It is said she becomes particularly annoyed when her beautifully framed picture is moved. This picture is on the back wall of the auditorium and a favorite of photographers. Laura mentioned that very frequently the photographer’s camera freezes, the battery is drained or the picture doesn’t come out.

When speaking of the paranormal activity at the Calumet Theater, she talked about Kathy Lynch. Kathy is the founder of G.H.O.S.T. Paranormal Society in the Upper Peninsula. Her team has investigated the theater on several occasions. Laura mentioned that her and Kathy along with other team members had experiences during investigations. The result of those investigations were a number of EVPs. We were looking forward to hearing them at a later time.

Suddenly the two investigators sitting on either side of the vacant chair felt a sudden chill emanating from the empty seat. Laura said the temperature dropped about 30 degrees and stayed that way for a few minutes. According to Laura, after reviewing audio, Kathy captured several distinct EVPs.

Kat and I were eager to start the investigation. After concluding the tour with Laura and Art, we laid out our plans. With just two IR video cameras and three digital audio recorders, positioning was critical. Since most of the activity occurred in the auditorium and ballroom, those would be our areas of focus. One camera would stay with us. The second was positioned on the stage viewing the auditorium and balconies, where reported apparitions have been seen.

Datong Subway Map Photo Gallery

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