Denmark Map Tourist Attractions

Denmark Map Tourist Attractions

TELEPHONES. There are no separate city codes; include all digits for local and international calls. Buy phone cards at post offices or kiosks (30kr for 30 units; 50kr for 53 units ; lOOkr for 110 units). Mobile phones are an increasingly popular and economical alternative (30). For domestic directory info, call 118; international info, 113; collect calls, s 141. International direct dial numbers include: AT&T, 8001 0010; Canada Direct, 80 01 00 11; Ireland Direct, 80 01 03 53; MCI, 8001 0022; Sprint, 800 10 877; Telecom New Zealand, 80 01 0064; Telkom South Africa, 8001 0027; Telstra Australia, 80 88 0543.

MAIL. Mailing a postcardletter to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the US, or South Africa costs 6.25kr; to elsewhere in Europe 5.25kr. Domestic mail costs 4kr.

LANGUAGES. Danish is the official language of Denmark. Faroese is spoken in the Faroe Islands; Greenlandic is spoken in Greenland. The Danish add ce (pronounced like the e in egg), 0 (pronounced like the i in first), and a (sometimes written as aa; pronounced like the o in lord) to the end of the alphabet; thus Arhus would follow Viborg in an alphabetical listing of cities. Let’s Go indexes these under ae, o, and a. Nearly all Danes speak flawless English, but a few Danish words might help break the ice: try skal (skoal), or cheers. Danish has a distinctive glottal stop known as a stod. For basic Danish phrases, see 1034.


ACCOMMODATIONS under 85kr 86-120kr 121-200kr 200-300kr over 300kr

While Denmark’s hotels are generally expensive (300-850kr per night), the country’s more than 100 HI youth hostels (vandrehjem) are cheap, well-run, and have no age limit. They are also given an official ranking of one to five stars, based on facilities and service. Sheets cost about 45-50kr. Breakfast usually runs 45kr and dinner 65kr. Dorms run about lOOkr per night; nonmembers add 25kr. Reception desks normally close for the day around 8 or 9pm, although some are open 24hr. Reservations are highly recommended, especially in summer and near beaches. Many Danish youth hostels are filled by school groups in summer, so it’s important to make reservations well in advance. Make sure to arrive before check-in to confirm your reservation. For more info, contact the Danish Youth Hostel Association, Vesterbrog. 39, in Copenhagen. ( 313136 12; Open M-Th 9am-4pm, F 9am-3pm.) Tourist offices offer the Danhostel booklet, which also has more information, and many book rooms in private homes (125-175kr).

Denmark’s 525 official campgrounds (about 60kr per person) rank from one-star (toilets and drinking water) to three-star (showers and laundry) to five-star (swimming, restaurants, and stoves). You’ll need either a Camping Card Scandinavia, available at campgrounds (1-year 80kr), or a Camping Card International. Campsites affiliated with hostels generally do not require this card. If you only plan to camp for a night, you can buy a 24hr. pass (20kr). The Danish Camping Council (Campin-gradet; 39 27 80 44) sells the campground handbook Camping Denmark and passes. Sleeping in train stations, in parks, or on public property is illegal.

A Danish in Denmark is a wienerbr0d (Viennese bread), found in bakeries alongside other flaky treats. For more substantial fare, Danes favor open-faced sandwiches called sm0rrebr0d. Herring is served in various forms, though usually pickled or raw with onions or a curry mayonnaise. For cheap eats, look for lunch specials (dagens ret) and all-you-can-eat buffets (spis alt du kan or tag selv buffet). National beers include Carlsberg and Tuborg; bottled brew tends to be cheaper. A popular alcohol alternative is snaps (or aquavit), a clear distilled liquor flavored with fiery spices, usually served chilled and unmixed. Many vegetarian (vegetarret) options are the result of Indian and Mediterranean influences, but salads and veggies (gronsager) can be found on most menus.


Holidays: New Year’s (Jan. 1); Easter Holidays (Apr. 8-12); Queen’s Birthday (Apr. 16); Worker’s Day (May 1); Great Prayer Day (May 7); Ascension Day (May 20); Whit Sunday and Monday (May 30-31); Constitution Day (June 5); Midsummer Eve (June 23); Christmas (Dec. 24-26).

Festivals: Danes celebrate Fastelavn (Carnival) in Feb. and Mar. The Roskilde Festival is an immense, open-air rock festival held in Roskilde in late June. In early July, the Copenhagen Jazz Festival hosts a week of concerts, many free.

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