Detroit Map

Detroit Map and Country Region

102 canons were promulgated, touching on all fields of religious life and discipline, which was acknowledged to be very lax, even among the clergy. Some of the decisions sanctioned Eastern customs which differed from the Roman, e.g. can. 13, on married deacons and priests. Can. 36 confirmed the rights of Constantinople as second in hierarchical order after Rome and endowed with the same authority. The canons were all subscribed to, even by the papal representatives, but at Rome Sergius disowned their actions and would not accept the copy of the acts sent to him, because of can. 36 and the canons sanctioning customs contrary to Roman discipline. 754. Constantine V, the iconoclast emperor, called a council which opened 10 February in the palace of Hieria. This council, called the 7th ecumenical, was attended by 338 Eastern bishops presided over, in the vacancy of the see of Constantinople, by Theodosius of Ephesus. The Roman delegates were absent. The council condemned the cult of images, though forbidding any profanation or destruction of sacred buildings; but it did not accept the ideas of the emperor, who denied the validity of the intercession of the saints and of the Virgin, and it confirmed the validity of such intercession. From 8 August, the council held its sessions in the church of St. Mary of the Blachernae, ending on 27 August: the emperor himself read the council’s decrees to the people; upholders of the cult of images were anathematized.

History for Detroit Map
1555 Richard Eden’s The Decades of the Newe Worlde Detroit Map or West India, Conteyning the Navigations and Conquestes of the Spanyards is published in London. It Detroit Map includes a translation of a large part of Oviedo’s earlier work, as well as discussion of Spanish mining techniques. 1569 A Seville physician, Nicols Monardes, who never crossed the Atlantic, publishes Two Books, of Which One Treats All the Things Found in the Western Indies Which Are of Medical Use and the Other Treats the Bezoar Stone. Drawing on information available regarding Native Country practices, as well as his own experiences, he paints the New World as full of wonderful cures for Europeans’ ailments. Monardes later adds sections to his influential work, which is published in Latin translation in 1574.

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