Durham Map

Durham Map and Country Region

The Latin term confessor is the equivalent of the Greek o`mologhth,j, which was initially used as a synonym of ma,rtuj; but from the 2nd c. on they were more clearly distinguished: a martyr would be one who died during his sufferings, and a confessor one who survived, not sealing his witness with martyrdom. We first see this distinction in the Letter on the Martyrs of Lyons of 177, where those who have survived the persecution do not accept the title of martyr but prefer to be called only confessor Euseb. HE V.2.2-3. Later evidence shows how this terminological specification was consolidated over time Tertull. Pud. XXII.3; Orig. Com in Ioh. II.34, 209-210; nevertheless, in some passages of Hippolytus, Tertullian and Cyprian, some still-living confessors are called martyrs. Cyprian makes a further distinction between public confession before pagan judges and private fleeing persecutors, an inferior degree De Lapsis 3. Once the persecutions ended, the meaning of the term confessor expanded to also include bishops who fought for the faith and ascetics who lived the faith radically, witnessing to Christ not in tortures but with their virtue.

History for Durham Map
The period before the arrival of Europeans is one of major Durham Map cultural change for Native Countrys. Smaller, multiethnic, and, in some cases, multilingual polities Durham Map (the forerunners of colonial-period tribes) are replacing centralized societies like those created by the Mississippians. In many cases, the shift is already underway before Native Countrys encounter Europeans. In the case of Cofitachequi, Spanish disease will accelerate the process. 1494 The Treaty of Tordesillas divides the New World between Spain and Portugal. South Carolina theoretically falls under the control of Spain. 15201521 Lucas Vsquez de Ayll³n, an official from Hispaniola, sponsors a slaving voyage to the Carolina coast, which brings seventy native Carolinians to the Caribbean to replace Arawaks. 1524 Giovanni da Verrazano, a Florentine sailing for the king of France, explores the coast of South Carolina.

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