Family Restaurant US Map & Phone & Address

1634 Beacon St, Brookline; (617) 277-4466

True to its name, the Family Restaurant is a friendly mom n pop Greek diner, with tons of great food. The atmosphere is cozy, with plants in the windows; there are plenty of tables and a counter.

Greek specialties, of course, are the thing to have here. Mine ordered the moussaka dinner and was treated to a mountainous slab of ground beef, eggplant cheese, and tomato sauce, with rice on the side, all for $6.85. It was too much to finish. Beef or chicken shish kebabs are each $8.25 for a full dinner which includes rice, cooked vegetables, a salad, and rice pudding for dessert.

Seafood is nice and cheap, with a broiled swordfish dinner among the daily specials for $6.95. Plus the usual burgers and gyros. And the Family is a popular spot for breakfast, with two eggs and bacon or sausage for a mere $3.35, served with home fries, toast and coffee.

The folks at the Family Restaurant use cholesterol-free oils and maintain a commitment to healthy cooking. Course, this ain’t exactly health food to begin with it’s a home-style filler-up! Open Mondays through Saturdays 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sundays from 8 A.M. to 2 PM.

Fajitas & Ritas

48 Boylston St. Brookline; (617) 566-1222

25 West St. Boston; (617) 426-1222

See the listing under Boston.

Family Restaurant US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

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