Filene’s Basement US Map & Phone & Address

Filene’s Basement US Map & Phone & Address

• 426 Washington St, Boston; (617) 542-2011 Undoubtedly the granddaddy of all discount shopping in Boston. Here is where you’ll find die-hard bounty hunters diving onto tables piled high with clothing, hurling item after item into the air in the hope that some greater prize lies hidden underneath. Once the treasure has been unearthed, it is clutched tightly, before anyone else even has a chance to consider it, and the search goes on.

For Mine’s more demure readers, don’t worry not everyone is like that here. Just plunge in and find yourself some baah-gains. The stock comes from many quality stores and manufacturers overstocks, leftovers, irregulars, things from last season. Not everything is supercheap, but you never know what may turn up. That’s why Basement veterans try to cruise through on a regular basis. And of course, every few weeks, prices on unsold items are marked down further. (This is the big difference between the original FB and those watered-down suburban versions.)

Of course, there is more here than just clothing many shoppers never even venture down to the second level, where similar reductions are taken on housewares, linens, home decorations, children’s items, toys, and more. Basement hours are Mondays through Fridays, 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 7 P.M. and

Sundays 11 A.M. to 7 P.M.

Filene’s Basement US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

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