Four Great Locales to Visit When Island Hopping in the Caribbean

Whether you visit by cruise ship or plane, the Caribbean is packed with adventure and experiences just waiting to be had. With more than 7,000 individual islands spread out across one million square miles, it’s practically impossible to visit every single island in this gigantic aquatic region – but you don’t have to visit every island to enjoy all it has to offer.

Island hopping is a popular form of vacation in this part of the world, with informal excursions and cruise packages alike offering a bit of the Caribbean experience. Whether you opt for a cruise or a solo adventure, knowing which places are worth the trip can make planning your itinerary much easier.

We’ll look at four great islands to check out if you’re planning to visit the region in the near future.

Four Great Locales to Visit When Island Hopping in the Caribbean Photo Gallery


Nestled deep within the Grenadines, the island of Carriacou doesn’t get a lot of attention or publicity. Nevertheless, it is one of the most beautiful untapped places in the region, boasting immaculate views and plenty of local activities to enjoy. categorizes Carriacou as a “Caribbean time capsule”, with its small 13-square mile presence boasting some of the most skilled fishers and farmers in the region. Anybody who wants to enjoy some peace and quiet while partaking in the beauty of the Caribbean will find themselves loving the simple nature of this island.


If you value being able to explore a variety of different local cultures without needing expensive transportation to get back and forth, then Guadeloupe makes for a perfect island-hopping excursion.
With five islands all in reach by light plane or ferry, you’ll be able to visit all it has to offer. From the beautiful beaches of Marie Galante to the small villages of Terre-de-Haut, this isolated region of France and its 400,000 people are both welcoming and a popular destination for island hoppers.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Another beautiful set of islands in close proximity to one another, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines features nearly three dozen unique island settings to explore.

While well-known and familiar to many tourists, you’ll still be able to escape the hustle and bustle of busy island life if you so choose. Due to its popularity, a plethora of unique amenities can be found here. Whether you want to scuba dive, explore the rainforest, or just enjoy its white sand beaches, this island chain is one you don’t want to miss while island hopping.

Saint Thomas

Last but not least, Saint Thomas is very popular among island hoppers due to its proximity to many other islands. Whether you want to visit Saint Croix, Saint John, or the British Virgin Islands, you’ll be able to use Saint Thomas as a springboard to all – and considering you can fly into Saint Thomas from most American cities direct, it is a popular starting point for many travelers.

When planning your next Caribbean vacation, be sure to keep these four locales in mind. Especially great for those who like to visit multiple places, these islands will give you the ability to easily traverse some of the most beautiful locations in the Caribbean!

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