Frank Almeida of Sugar Spice

Yeah I have two kids or two dollars, and we were lucky enough that we found this school which were very comfortable with it was very close to live. So we also get the chance to want them to school, and the we supplement their school I was also lucky enough to find another expat that also had people Chicago, and they should he teaches them like a children’s literature she has children’s literature classes with them.

Frank Almeida of Sugar Spice Photo Gallery

So they pick up a lot of native English from her, and her. But having that option kinds of the pressure out of wording of their Bibles. Because I men have to be. So concerned about how to school the school they do teach English is not fantastic all right well let’s let’s get into a little rapid fire just a few things just tell me the first thing is you think of anything you got related to you to be it first of all your favorite hidden gem here I really like Turkey’s which is also the neighborhood yes, and not only is a great food. But they also have hasn’t gotten her head they could raise checked up their prices big time like a lot of these restaurants have that used to be not as popular another super popular favorite Argentine sweet that isn’t yours well they’re fairly early I I really like Tina’s companies that’s Tina Butler no cupcake three calm, and as far as a local rules animals in it, and favorite sweet that is yours. But uh chopard he is biggest great biggest gripe here in Buenos Aires there’s a lovely he’s right there’s a second of populations very stubborn about not picking up after they’re gone most other two.

Oh insecurity that’s okay okay yes p 4 183, and how about a lot of the things that you’re involved in here and, I’m gonna start well I I from day one we donated to a percentage of our sales goes to the art of time licensed of Reading Is Fundamental which is typical of that is another done, and actually like what they do they they they raise money, and they go to any communities, and they they they get the community to be involved in to be volunteers in this own event, and make they create reading corners or like little libraries for the kids they stopped them with books, and the death dates other cold day events the parents, and maybe when it plays shows, and then the other kids themselves to get the pic finally tickets that in many cases is the only book the family has, and I think that’s that’s a fantastic that in action. So that’s one of the things that have involved, and actually neck long ago for the first time we were able to be as a company put up in being more just with our donations, and we did it in Asia, and we closed the shop of the day, and all the employees we all went down there we set it up like nice last two questions if you could have someone play you in a movie about your life what you want then I use Jackie that all singing actions just think, I’m Vin Diesel maybe like a little bit John Cusack all right is way better shape.

So cookies give up your cookies the other one is uh if you could sit down, and have a glass of milk, and some cookies with three people anybody better live where they be hey one will be raffled off another one would be house distinguished group very good any final advice that you had for the starting of business here or moving the Buenos Aires, and then you think people should know yeah, I’m say don’t I found as probably the quickest way to learn something, and if you’re open to it even better now that I have this, and realizes its we’ll see what really affects you or enhancing the most is how you deal with other states what how do you deal with successes I think that is probably google to find you more than excellent thank you so much thank you so much for your time thanks so much for the cookies, and the coffee, and sugar, and spice Frank.

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