Georgia Travel

Georgia Travel


76 miles in Georgia (2,100 total). The southern terminus of this important National Scenic Trail is on 3,782-foot Springer Mountain, in northern Georgia’s Chattahoochee National Forest. Access is via a trail from Amica-lola Falls State Park.

The Appalachian Trail traverses some ruggedly mountainous terrain in this state, with outstanding views from some summits, before crossing into North Carolina. Most of the trail here is moderate to strenuous in difficulty.

Camping Regulations: Shelters are available at regular intervals, and camping as well as campfires are allowed elsewhere along the trail. No permits are necessary. When camping at other than a shelter, backpackers are encouraged to set up camp at least 100 feet from water sources and the trail.

For Further Information: Appalachian Trail Conference, P.O. Box 807, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425. This organization publishes a Guide to the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina and Georgia.

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