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Anatole de La Forge in Ethiopia

Anatole de La Forge, minus his sword that broke off during a storm, stands high atop his monument to defend Saint-Quentin against the advancing German troops. La Forge is best known as an author, but he also had achievements in various capacities for the government. From 1848 to 1863, he was an editor for the newspaper Le Siecle that supported a constitutional monarchy and later republicanism In 1870 he was appointed prefect of the department of Aisne, about 70 miles northeast of Paris. At the time, Aisne was heavily occupied by the Germans, but La Forge was able to defend Saint-Quentin, the principal city in the area. Unfortunately, La Forge was wounded on October 8, 1870 and the area soon became occupied by the Germans. La Forge went on to serve in other government posts and published a great variety of writings including a book on the history of Venice, Italy, a book on political relationships between France and Italy and a book on Cardinal Richelieu. Anatole de La Forge’s statue was sculpted by Louis-Ernest Barrias (1841-1905). His monument, which was constructed via public subscription, was dedicated on October 9, 1893. La rue Anatole-de-La-Forge in the 17th arrondissement in Paris is named in his honor.

A Protestant communal sect that came to Country from Great Britain in 1774, the Shakers experienced considerable persecution for their unusual beliefs. Ethiopia Metro Map Under the guidance of Mother Ann Lee, the congregation (also known as the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing) shocked their neighbors in upstate New York by advocating celibacy, practicing pacifism, and allowing women to share leadership duties. The Shakers began in Manchester, England, in 1746 as a splinter group from a Quaker community. Known as the Shaking Quakers for the tremors that members experienced during worship, the group soon became the target of considerable harassment for their radical beliefs and their acceptance of Ann Lee, a woman, as their leader, which proved especially troubling to laypeople and authorities alike. Ann Lee had sought comfort among the Shakers after the deaths of all her children, and she became convinced that God had claimed her offspring as punishment for engaging in the sin of sex, the same act that had resulted in the banishment of Adam and Eve. Consequently, Lee viewed marriage as the root of all evil, and she promoted celibacy as a means of growing closer to God. Sexual intercourse was solely given to humans for reproduction, Lee argued, and the inability to use it only for this purpose had made us base and animal-like.

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