Hampi Achyutaraya Temple Chakratheertha Riverside Ruins

Jai Shri Ram come clean India kuhmo, and welcome back to Humpty tourism part 4 post in part 1 post we gave you an overview of hampi its history location, and other useful information if you have not watched it yet we will leave a link to that post in the description box below we recommend you to watch part 1 post before reading this one.

Hampi Achyutaraya Temple Chakratheertha Riverside Ruins Photo Gallery

So it’s easier to understand this part in this post we will cover the major hampi tourist attractions that come under group 3 of sacred center all the sites covered in this post are very close to each other we will cover the atutor ayahs temple curtain street kodanda Rama temple, and chakra theater. But before we get started I have a small request if you are new to our blog, and have not commentd it yet then please comment India Gumo to get notified of our future travel posts thanks for subscribing the blog, and now let’s begin climbing the steps near the monolithic Nandi at the end of the hampi bazaar will take you to the atutor ayahs temple it’s a large temple complex on the right side down on the plains atchoo tires temple is one of the Magnificent temples at hampi representing the vision aggress tile architecture, and was built in 1534 AD during the reign of Achutha Deva Raya he was a younger brother of krishna deva raya the temple was originally named st wendell not temple since the main deity in the temple was lodged a wrinkle not a form of lord vishnu however over the period of time the temple came to be known after the king in whose period it was built.

So it became well known as the atchoo three examples the temple can also be seen from the peak of the antenna three-part breath, and matanga Hill like most structures in hampi the Achutha a temple is also in a ruined state the huge temple complex has shrines of lord vishnu lord agni goddess devi lord guru, and it also has a Galliano month up antipas Kearney the courtesan Street lies in the front of a tutorial temple roughly half a kilometre long in about 50 meters wide this street was once swarmed by merchants even from far-off places at the far end of the street there are two more temples davara a temple, and the kodanda Rama temple near the Riverside the rebel site path also known as the camp abou Paz path runs along the northern tip of the courtesan Street chakra pita means the sacred water body – words consider the holiest bathing spot in Tungabhadra River this spot is located close to the kodanda Rama temple a large number of pilgrims take a dip in the bathing spot of chakra.

Delta during auspicious days following vegetable kodanda Rama temple situated nearby next to the temple of pavilions that have been used as a resting spot by the pilgrims since the ancient time chakra TFI situated at the valley point of two hills the regime Oak Hill on the northern side, and a Matunga Hill on the southern side precisely at this spot the water gets narrower, and its route changes direction along the valley resulting in strong current formation at this part of the river the swift current is often not noticeable from this surface it is advised not to venture into swimming at this part of the river one should also avoid listing the place during the peak monsoon season since the water level here Rises, and sometimes reaches up to the kodanda Rama temple courtyard on the flat rocky riverbank one can spot a number of coracles that can be hired for a coracle ride in the Tungabhadra River when a coracle boat ride into the river gives you the opportunity to explore the double side ruins which are amazing just like the rest of hampi you will come across a couple of caves, and prevalence along the way, and a number of smaller temples, and many sculptures scattered across the rocks towards the right bank of river on planting at the rocks is the Sun temple the place has a number of carvings of gods, and goddesses including the carving of Sun God on his famous chariot as you right along the river you will come across more such carvings, and sculptures that include Lord Vishnu scar being on the rocks sculptures of my Lakshmi narshimha Madoka, and more apart from these there are numerous Shiv links carved on the rocket structure, and hence the name Kochi Linga on one guru link this is also considered a sacred place as thousands of pilgrims take a dip in the holy water. So that was all about the hampi attractions that come under group three of the sacred center I hope you found this post useful give this post a big thumbs up leave us a comment down below, and comment our blog India gromova more travel posts click on the following links to watch more posts from this blog thanks for reading Jai him Oh.

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