Hanging Out with Koalas Kangaroos More Australia

And I we will make it on morning guys. So guess what, I’m going to do today I am going to hug some koala got to the Koala Park Sanctuary already seen some koalas here they all seem to be sleeping maybe it’s like the time of day. But they seem to be pretty lazy at the moment food in these walls No let God talk nothing will ever make us wrong I held a koala he was so cute his fur was so soft, and he was surprisingly heavy he was so calm. So chill, and relaxed it is too dry we will make it on night when it’s you, and I we will make it more secure us like the one I saw in the park yesterday like seeing the free one better found one koala that’s awake he’s the only one who wake the rest of just fast asleep oh.

Hanging Out with Koalas Kangaroos More Australia Photo Gallery

So adorable. So cute they really look like teddy bears they don’t look real, and even their movements are so slow, and they’re so fluffy they look fake they just look like stuffed animals. So adorable I think he’s going back to sleep now look what we have in this cage the rare teddy bear wonder how they captured him – EMU is here they’re so big their beaks are like as big as my hand, and their claws are really intense looking oh my gosh there’s so many kangaroo that Geiger is are everywhere they’re so cute starting to rain that’s a bad crime when if you I you went to framing again rocks cooking swallows waiting out the rain all of these koalas they’re all still sleeping of course, and as I was coming out from having a coffee a bit ago again when it stopped raining before it started again I just came out of the cafe, and there were two dingoes were just walking around hanging out, and they were. So beautiful this is such a cool place, and I had no idea that there were tanga Roos, and everything else here as well.

So really really awesome, and I’ve just been petting kangaroos, and koalas all day awesome day finally stops raining again hopefully doesn’t start again went to hug the Koala again, and I did, and this one was like even cuter, and softer. But unfortunately I asked this guy to post me, and I don’t know what he did I was not posted I was only posted for like a second or two at least I got to do it even though you can’t see it exactly how far away, I’m some Livio right now you enjoy yes hope you guys enjoyed my post here in Brisbane, and koalas a lot more Australia adventures coming up. So if you want to comment that would be awesome thanks for reading bye.

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