Hello hey guys we thought it has been. So long since I last cue a literally like three months yeah probably. So let’s uh let’s bring it back cuz we know we’ve got a ton of new followers we’ve got another whole ton of people I have a whole big new ton full jam-packed full of new people yes. So we have decided to go to everywhere we’re you asked with our facebook snapchat, and even periscope we we periscope, and ask questions on there as well just to get a variety of questions. So we have quite a few, and I wanna start with snapchat. Because I’ve never done a snapchat do anything okay yes. So a few that we haven’t watched yet that we will play hopefully this works we’re gonna play, and see what happens.


So you asked us on our snapchat which is flying the nests please like I can’t think about the answer okay. So we’ll start from the top my favorite thing I did in Utah was probably the day that we went golf carting Colt golf car riding okay driving whenever it was so so. So so much fun my favorite was when we went on the cannibal roller parisa head live during shows that wasn’t your favorite day. Because you didn’t really I don’t like be world crisis it was still fun to go, and watch. But dimly to me it’s a window. Because we’re posting the posts, and it is so awkward when someone is like sleeping, and after like tried post like. Because we want to feel Matt’s Eiffel looks pretty, and there might be someone sleeping it’s the window, and then we have to awkwardly like go around them with the camera, and try, and post, and I like the window as well. Because if, I’m tired I can rest against the wall I really like aisle before posts aisle. Because you have to ask anymore to move wouldn’t even go to the toilet for a bit I don’t mind asking. Because I really like leaning against the window this one is a picture do you plan on going back to America we can’t no we currently unfortunately our Reiser reason oh Lisa ran out, and we can only renew it if we go back to Australia, and renew it for like another holiday visa which we aren’t planning on doing. Because there’s so many other countries we want to go, and see we definitely will all come back to America. But probably not this year yeah America has been good we’ve seen a lot no awesome, and if you’re doing what we want to see.

So we will be backed it’s not being about traveling full time you don’t always have Wi-Fi. But that’s more underway for like the posts, and stuff like that, I’m going to put it up there first clearly firstworldproblems I want the new iPhone oh that’s pretty much it just personal problems like Andy doesn’t want to spend his money on a new iPhone yeah, and then the second thing is you pretty much I suppose once again for the posts you pretty much wearing the same clothes every yes that’s annoying thing for me I found is that I’ve got sick of the clothes that I brought very quickly. Because I’ve tried to pack really lightly. But now I have to wear them. Because it’s all I have like even this top I left in the Sun for two weeks back to do, and that’s been affected by Sunday you can see it’s got a nice style it’s got some weird light patches. But I have to still wear it. Because I only have two jumpers you see a nice rocker, I’m just rockin it I wore it yesterday first of all problems there’s so many other amazing things time travel we like little petty things that annoy you just maybe just you don’t have those home comforts you know those little feel like.

But that’s the only thing really. So thanks for your snapchat questions I think we will now just jump between Twitter, and Facebook yep yeah I got some tuna there’s actually a girl could Hannah she I think she have her questions. But she got. So excited we’re doing a Q&A. Because we hadn’t done run in. So long she made a little note pad thing with some questions real quick that is the nope a fire we’ll do a quick fire, and go through your questions. Because I.

So many you ready good how do you match let’s find the right music. So I have a lot of sources mostly it’s SoundCloud, and I have just now our massive library. So, I’ll just chop, and change how do you first get the money to travel or where you sponsor straight away we worked full-time for a full year I worked at a desk doing marketing, and I was teaching, and also making coffees, and we saved up everything we pretty much gave ourselves $50 of pocket money to spend a week everything else we saved mm-hmm we went traveling we started getting sponsored straight away. But only we’d like day 2 is here, and then yeah I think we’re now it’s starting to turn into like a 13 day Trichinella in alaska which really helps you save money. Because that’s 13 days where you’re working with the company yeah yeah. But we don’t start the blog first yeah. So the reason we usually get sponsored is from the blog.

Because the posts are still growing, and yeah what editing program do you use I use to edit editing programs first one is Adobe Premiere Pro for cutting all the post down, and then the second one is adobe audition to do the music, and to do the audio. So Annabel from Twitter asks is it hard to work whilst traveling now I think it can be hard you definitely for find a balance like I know this some days, I’ll be traveling so much that it is hard to make sure we write a blog post, and make sure you keep up with your work. Because he does have his own like little business that he runs as well as flying a nurse. So I feel like it can’t get you can’t get huh yeah it’s. But most of the time it’s just cutting out not relaxation. But like for example we haven’t watched Netflix or movies in. So long.

So she’s putting those up it’s nice one more in Utah. Because then we can like watch a couple of movies. But I haven’t watched a TV show. So low. So long, and we’re big TV, and movie people, and yeah we haven’t watched it. So long. Because it’s dead we do work yeah.

But it all works out. Because we love putting posts on. So I just don’t mind missing out on a show. Because you guys get to watch something, and yeah, and I like to watch a posts instead all right what do you guys post with / edit with. So I said before we added with we posted with a Sony rx100 – for the postging, and then for the cutaway shots when you’re generally no talking there’s always music we posted with the Canon mark Canon 5d Mark 3 yep yeah what’s been your favorite place. So far this yeah that you travel – yeah Alaska yeah definitely Alaska yeah my favorite. So on Facebook someone asked what do you guys argue about the most when you travel, and I already know this really let’s say in three two one three two one what do we argue the most about three two one directions Oh directions he conflated what no I always think it’s left he thinks it’s right we go left, and then usually it’s right usually, I’m wrong.

But I still think, and I must be right I would love for us to go on The Amazing Race. But I feel like we’ll get eliminated first round. Because one, I’ll have to do the driving which, I’ll have to do the directions and, I’m really bad at directions, and driving also we also hates I feel a bit still recording yes. So thanks so much for reading guys, and we yeah see you next time if you ever have a question just do hashtag ask FTN like for ask fly in the nest, and then we can save the question, and ask it in our next Q&A. Because i think we need to try, and do these a little more often. So we don’t have. So many one post yes or you can put them into a note pad just like um Hannah did.

But uh thank you so much guys, and we will see you next time bye.

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