Houston Map

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History for Houston Map
Among the many secular buildings of particular interest are the Mermaid Houston Map Inn in the beautiful, cobbled Mermaid Street, containing thirteenth-century features, and the seventeenth Houston Map -century Old Grammar School with its distinctive Dutch gables. Reminders of the town’s strategic importance are to be found in the fourteenth-century Landgate, the last remaining of the town’s original three fortified gates, and the thirteenth-century Ypres Tower, once a prison and now a museum.

The combination of the wealth of history, olde-worlde charm, magnificent setting and proximity of the sea have inspired a large number of writers, including novelists, dramatists, biographers, poets, and writers of sports literature and children’s fiction, to either live or stay here for some if not all of their writing careers, many drawing upon their love of the town and its surroundings in the course of their writing. As a literary pilgrim you will doubtless be delighted not only to follow in the footsteps of so many authors, but to be able to pick up copies of their work and that of countless others in the plethora of bookshops along the town’s old streets. It may be that, despite it being so short, you can and will make the walk last all day, but you can be comforted that if you are pushed for time you can, wherever you are on the walk, be back at the car park in minutes. Your walk begins at the Martello Bookshop in the bustling High Street, with its extensive range of shops and restaurants.

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