Houston Metro Map

Here I heard there was an old man and his Daughter Houston Metro Map to come that way, bound to N. London; and Ueing now destitute of a Guide Houston Metro Map , gladly waited for them, being in so good a harbour, and accordingly, Thirsday, October ye 5th, about 3 in the afternoon, I sat forward with neighbour Polly and Jemima, a Girl about 18 Years old, who hee said he had been to fetch out of the Narragansetts, and said they had Rode thirty miles that day, on a sory lean jade, wth only a Bagg under her for a pillion, which the poor Girl often complain’d was very uneasy.

Wee made Good speed along, wch made poor Jemima make many a sow’r face, the mare being a very hard trotter; and after many a hearty and bitter Oh, she at length Low’d out: Lawful Heart father! this bare mare hurts mee Dingeely, I’me direfull sore I vow; with many words to that purpose: poor Child sais Gaffer she us’t to serve your mother so. I don’t care how mother us’t to do, quoth Jemima, in a pasionate tone. At which the old man Laught, and kik’t his jade o’ the side, which made her jolt ten times harder. About seven that Evening, we come to New London Ferry: here, by reason of a very high wind, we mett with great difficulty in getting over the Boat tos’t exceedingly, and our Horses capper’d at a very surprizing Rate, and set us all in a fright; especially poor Jemima, who desired her father to say so jack to the jade, to make her stand.

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