How To Get To The Galapagos Islands

First off huh yep Hey everybody, and welcome back to Ecuador I don’t think I wipe this smile of my face of acres today we’re heading to the laughing gas oh my gosh this is such a bucket list, and I feel really happy that we get to go here I want to take you guys along on this journey. Because it’s a little bit of a complication to get to these islands yes starting at all yeah we’re starting it off at the domestic airport here it’s the first thing you need to do is you need to come to this immigration counter just here, and we need to get a visa which is about 20 u.s. each, and you have to do it before you check your luggage awesome.

How To Get To The Galapagos Islands Photo Gallery

So we have our visa card with you on that you then go into that door to get the luggage you can’t bring any for Eagle seeds or anything on the island now we have to go check into our flights, and hope we made it. So we have really bad traffic today you know we’re running late, and we have better breakfast, and I want to coffee baggage check thing coffee – dance. So technically we’re business premium a common Pacific Jannis thinking is that we are currently at 2900 meters above sea level, and wait I don’t have a window seat can’t post outside me guys. But we’ll see quick stopover still hunger this strange thing that I really think happens in South America where you just stop stay on the plane not your stuff move on. But I feel like this like should be empty – folk island everybody.

So once he landed we thought you know the the visa to get us here was enough. But no you have to pay 800 US dollar park fee also that just as strict as Australia here with bringing fruit animals nuts everything into this island we then all wait behind this white line for the sniffer dog can go check that out luggage oh my gosh that’s so cool she’s like war not from Australia don’t you actually walk all over our bags the baggage handlers yong-chol a focus I feel sorry for the dog just enough to smell a lot dirty laundry ok we can go never wanted to cross a line more than we aren’t there yet. Because vulture Island is a Airport Island we have to catch a bus to the ferry terminal okay I did enjoy for that quick 15 minutes paying nothing here in the islands let’s back to pain with me a dollar on this ferry to get across to Santa Cruz Friday welcome to Santa Cruz Island everybody now there’s two ways you can cross the island 15 either just drive across the gets in town one is a box 2 is a taxi we need to catch a taxi. Because we actually have a theory that we need to get to in 55 minutes we’ve been assured we’re gonna make it fingers crossed we make it otherwise that’s the last ferry for the day also the taxis are these pickup trucks. So the bus is cheaper I can’t actually remember, I’ll put it up here for you guys. But the the taxis about 25 us muchas gracias thank you thank you I can’t believe we made it it’s like five minutes to spare. But now have to catch a water taxi to our boat bodies first for the Galapagos were out live from one boat to another we made it to the island of Isabella can’t even get off the jetty crazy how much you have to pay.

But we’re here now in Isabella Island, and that was the bumpiest boat ride of my entire life, and it was almost three hours long that was the most insane I’ve ever heard oh this is why we’ve come to the Galapagos hey buddy we gon we gon you found a little hole wow that’s so cool what a greeting yeah I heard a big sneeze closest alliance you guys are very cute oh just good like no Gorga big wanna solid what the hell are there’s like. So many of them just chilly yeah iguanas wow that’s cool just at the entrance it’s after mid 1600 around 1600 Australian dollars just to get to galapagos from ecuador i mean that’s not even counting flights actually get to south mary it can be actually quite expensive. So if you are wanting to come here you probably know why you want to come here it’s for the wildlife that yeah that’s that’s not even including accommodation of food, and tours to to explore the island it is an expensive place to visit I will say that Hey everybody, and welcome to the Isle Isabella here in the Galapagos we kind of kind of crashed after that in st. boat ride to get here. But here’s a beautiful sunny day let’s go show you’re out. So even though this is like the biggest island here in the Galapagos this is the like least inhabited island this like 2,500 people that live here this is the town this is it it’s like a lot of little restaurants a lot of schewe companies, and a couple of mini months that’s basically it which is really cool. But, I’m hungry yeah it’s got the lunch that sounds like a plan cuz we need to find some tortoises we’re here the Galapagos that’s the number one thing we need to go, and find wildlife especially especially tortoises.

So they have a lot of these restaurants along the side of the road kind of like Bali it reminds me, and we’ve gone for a bit of a seafood snack. Because we’re going on a hike later yah Mon Calamari oh yeah I got some calamari. So we’re the same thing they weren’t lying it is an iguana crossing oh wow just look how many there are oh wow hey guys there’s so many of them. So we’re gonna go see the turtle breeding center tomorrow. But at the moment we’re going on a bit of a five kilometer hike see how we go on this hike I don’t even last thing we did any sort of exercise I do Inca Trail yeah also guys I know that meal looks.

So basic. But, I’m so full, and the seafood here is insane over guys it’s crazy this is the beach, and there is no tourists I didn’t even know that poisonous trees were a thing not touching this doesn’t even look like it looks dead like it’s just death bringing with it, I’m good I hope this means that there’s some tortoises nearby goodness guys we’ve seen oh wow Sylar buddy such a bucket list this has made it all worth it coming out here seeing these guys in the wild I think you can tell how big hey Bobby this is so cool this is I can’t even like put into perspective how big this dude is in posts you can never tell how big they actually oh that’s me they want to talk to anyone that’s insane hey big this guy is like his foot is probably like the size of my fort wow that’s so cool, and look at these paws like I think as we’ve been working with sea turtles who have flippers. But this guy has like big old dinosaur feet guys we made it to the end of our little hike this is called the wall of tears. Because back in the day there was some prisoners that lived on the island, and they had to build this wall penitentiary colony, and they built it, and I think maybe they were crying when they were building it. So they called, and this is just they’ve they got rid of everything except this wall in memory of how bad the prisoners were treated it’s a great big wall to be honest Wow this lava rocks well this little dude that’s really cool.

But now that we’ve made it every time we hike or something we always have a Snickers to celebrate tada guys I don’t know what I was expecting in the Galapagus. But I wasn’t expecting that’s like a desolate wasteland with cacti everywhere like this is insane oh my goodness they’re everywhere oh my gosh this one’s huge we’ve come down to the beach to watch the sunset, and all the seeds are being taken in tomorrow can can you scooch over a bit Oh No we’ll have to find another spot you just want to Pat them. But you know you can’t give them a scratch like a dog they are caught see dogs aren’t they sea lions girl like don’t people call them like the dogs of the talked to the sea when we came to the Galapagos we had we didn’t poop on this place we didn’t look it up we honestly loved to travel to come here, and then you get everything out as we like explore, and honestly if I’d describe the Galapagos its the Northern Territory of Australia meets the mountain.

But you can have this barren wasteland then you have this island life that is giving us such melodies vibes. But then it doesn’t look like it it’s a very unique place I can see why people come here. Because it’s not like anything you’ve seen before one in the globe with some fun facts food yes okay. So before we came I wasn’t actually I hadn’t looked at no photos are no posts. Because we kind of wanted to be surprised. But I was reading up, and they say that the Galapagus was never ever connected with a continent which means this is always in secluded. So the only animals that really got over here were marine life birds, and reptiles.

So no mammals are on the island besides the ones that humans have now brought over which means it’s kinda like the prehistoric times where the reptiles ruled the place that’s a reversal parka that would just mean we’re literally just about right now, and one more thing this is a place Charles Darwin came, and do a lot of youth research for his theory of evolution that’s really cool because. So many of these animals here have been separated from the mainland for. So long that they’ve been helped to evolve into what they are now and, I’m here that’s my little fun facts for the post I hope, I’m right with all that I can enjoyed fun facts with Jess, and I hope you enjoyed this post yes a lot more from us from the graph I guess yeah we’re gonna show you guys around, and little.

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