All Inclusive Vacations South America

Preparing to pack the camera away for the night – unfortunately still on the road, and if there’s not a No Vacancy sign, it’s because there’s not even a motel in sight. Eh, on the bright side, we’ve logged a banner of a day on getting back home, and it’s only seven thirty at night.

All Inclusive Vacations South America Photo Gallery

Almost eleven o’clock on our watches (we’ve left them on Pacific Time Zone for the entire trip – just in case you’ve wondered about the weird discrepancy between any clocks that might appear in the frame and the reported time) and the young’un is excited to see midnighthe could stay awake all night! Or at least eight minutes before conking out for the night after only 644 miles, plus time spent at Mt Rushmore and Jewel Caves – heck, we hadn’t even hit the road really until after lunch, so it’s been quite a haul – I certainly don’t blame him.

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