Living on Lake Titicaca Floating Village in Peru

Hey everybody, and welcome to puno here in South America we woke up today to some very very exciting days we can’t believe that it’s happened we hit 50,000 commentrs that number doesn’t look real like honestly seen flying the nests, and 50,000 it just looked like it’s a fake Don. But we just wanted to say thank you so much thank you so much to everyone that has helped us, and supported us it is just being an absolute ride the last few months thank you so much you’ve just blown us away honestly on the part of the deepest part of our hearts we really appreciate it let’s go have some fun today this is our transportation to get down to the harbour oh my gosh he’s away mobile, and then they should be welcome to Lake Titicaca everybody we’re heading out to the flow team, and villagers as. So funny. Because Peru, and Bolivia share this lake.

Living on Lake Titicaca Floating Village in Peru Photo Gallery

So if you come on a Peru boat they say the TD is Peru in the key T’s refer, and the car car with Bolivia who come out of Bolivia boat they’ll tell you different we don’t have a boat accident Oh okay hold on we hit the motivated spin hola to pay no taxes to getting cuz what do a floating island this is made out of reason that’s crazy they just live here I come to the edge hopefully I don’t fall in Micah literally these islands are reeds, and this entire community is made from these reeds this is just. So fascinating this is how they live solar panels for the lighting it’s actually a really small room, and they just have everything they’ve sold panels. So they’ve got a TV lighting that’s just incredible this is how some people live yeah this is where they cook they put up a little model to show us how they’ve done the reeds. So as you can see they do it this way that way this way again, and yeah it keeps it quite sturdy, and then they put their little house on top the kitchen kind of shows you just how it’s all done they’ve rolled out the mercedes-benz for us that was a very cool boat ride just sitting on these bundles of straw guys you just come to the third biggest island here in Lake Titicaca, and when it’s no very cool we’re actually doing a homestay tonight we have our moment, and we’re gonna be living with her for the next night helping out cooking living it’s gonna be a really awesome experience they’re all farmers on the island school this is our house for the night all made out of mud mud bricks gracias I think this might be our room nice money cool yeah go home stay for the night we just come with a mama as his mama Francesca I think we’ve got the cutest one yeah just living in a farm land oh that’s very cool. But we’ve also we brought some gifts which we did yesterday I saw yesterday’s post, and fruit externally fruits quite hard for them to come across here just mustn’t grow very well. So we’ve been given this cheat sheet. Because of course our mama doesn’t speak English, and she doesn’t speak too much Spanish either they on the island here they have their own language could cater kechi I don’t know how to pronounce it yes I guess rather said.

So you have a few like you know, I’m cold cheery Juan, I’m hot Connie Connie. So hopefully this helps us oh thank you go seus well this looks. So nice this is a little kitchen oh I actually haven’t tried the cocoa tea yet that were meant to at the altitude Bob this is my favorite is my favorite tea here. So good we have some quinoa soup put into the Terracotta bowls Wow omelet rice potato veggie guys how much does this look like grease oh she’s waiting for us we need to go help her with some chores. But this looks. So beautiful yes thanks on francesca’s farm she has corn, and broad beans that’s what we’re plotting at the moment mama it’s the national sport this is how I keeping score guys you’re losing by a lot she wants to get rid of those curls you need to get those curls like back out she says no to the curls this is the single ladies on the trip. Because what you wear we can eat oh yeah this is Hey everybody we’re just working up, and you inform that breakfast is ready we just mean serve pancakes for breakfast this is how pancakes are made yes we have the fire just going there with a coal, and then the pancakes on top and, I’m sure all the ceramics were homemade as well that’s such an awesome experience I really enjoyed that friendly little.

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