Tren Crucero and The Devils Nose Exploring La Sierra in Ecuador

Good Morning from Riobamba. Today we change the mode of transportation. we are taking the train! with these guys. are you ready for taking the train? I see. it’s pretty early in the morning! We are in Guamote and we’re going to check out the largest indigenous market in South America. Here the people from the coast and the Andean region are coming together to trade their goods. For example they trade clothes for fruits Let’s checkout all this stuff now! We’re on the way to the next market. traveling in style! The next market is the animal market. So we can trade these guys for animals. We are shopping for some cows!

Tren Crucero and The Devils Nose Exploring La Sierra in Ecuador Photo Gallery

Lunch in the train not that bad! We are on the “Tren Crucero” which actually runs from Quito down to Guayaquil. Now we are driving through the canyon to see the devils nose the Nariz del Diablo. We are doing a zig-zag to come down to the valley. After zig-zaging down we are at the viewpoint where we can see the devils nose. In the next post from Ecuador I will show you the inca ruins of Ingapirca. the City of Cuenca at night. and we are joining a typical Fiesta with dressed up guinea pigs and fireworks! Don’t forget to comment to his blog for new travel posts every Thursday! Feel free to leave a comment below! Saludos from Ecuador.

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