With a harbor full of sailboats and a shoreline sprinkled with cafes, Schleswig (pop. 25,000) is a sea town with a royal history. Celebrating 1200 years since its founding as Haithabu, Viking ships set sail to Schleswig for the Opinn Skjold festival on the first weekend in August. By the harbor, the 18th-century HSchloft Gottorf and surrounding buildings comprise the Landesmuseen, six museums with enough Danish, Dutch, and German art to fill twenty. The surrounding park is an outdoor sculpture museum. (All museums open daily 10am-6pm. ‚5, students ‚2.50.) Scale the 240 steps of the St. Petri Dom for a striking view of town. (Open May-Sept. M-Sa 9am-5pm, Su l:30-5pm; Oct.-Apr. M-Sa 10am-4pm, Su l:30-5pm. ‚1.)

Schleswig centers around its bus terminal rather than its train station. Single rides (‚2). The train station is 20min. south of the city center; take bus #1,2,3,6, or 7 from the stop outside the bus station. The tourist office, Plessenstr. 7, is up the street from the harbor; from the ZOB, walk down Plessenstr. toward the water, (a98 16 16; room reservations98 16 17. Open May-Sept. M-F 9:30am-5:30pm, Sa 9:30am-12:30pm; Oct.-Apr. M-Th 10am-4pm, F 10am-lpm.) The Jugendherberge (HI) O, Spielkoppel 1, is close to the center of town. Take bus #2 from either the train or bus station to Schwimmhalle; the hostel is across the street. (238 93. Breakfast included. Reception daily 7am-lpm and 5-llpm. Curfew 11pm. Dorms ‚17, under-27 ‚14; singles ‚20, under-27 ‚18.) Nurse cloudy brews at Asgaard-Brauerei , Konigstr. 27, with descendants of Eric the Red. (Meals ‚9-10. Open M-Th 5pm-midnight, F 5pm-2am, Sa llam-2am, Su Ham-midnight.) Postal Code: 24837.


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