Maine Map Tourist Attractions

Maine Map Tourist Attractions


Established in 1976, this large state preserve is located next to 20-mile-long Flagstaff Lake in western Maine. It includes Maine’s second most impressive mountain, 4,150-foot Mount Bigelow. Terrain here is mountainous and often steep.

Outstanding views are available at higher elevations. The preserve also has some small ponds and streams, and there are mixed forests of spruce, fir, and hardwoods. Wildlife includes black bear, moose, and white-tailed deer.

Activities: This area is mainly suitable for backpacking and hiking. Among several trails here is a section of the Appalachian Trail (see entry page 000), which crosses the mountain. Most trails are moderate to strenuous in difficulty. Fishing is permitted.

Camping Regulations: Camping is allowed throughout the preserve. A fire permit is required in order to have a campfire at other than designated sites. Several lean-tos are available.

For Further Information: Bigelow Preserve, Bureau of State Lands, State House Station 22, Augusta, ME 04333; (207)289-3061.

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