Manchester Map

Manchester Map


Cheap stays in the city center are hard to find, though summer offers the possibility of decently priced student housing. The highest concentration of budget lodgings is 3-5km south in the suburbs of Fallowfield, Withington, and Didsbury; take bus #40, 42, or 157. Browse the free booklet Where to Stay (at the TIC) for listings.

YHA Manchester, Potato Wharf, Castlefield ((0870) 770 5950; Take the metro to G-Mex Station or bus #33 from Piccadilly Gardens toward Wigan to Deansgate. Raising hostelingto swanky heights. Friendly staff and good security. Lockers £1-2. Laundry £1.50. Internet 50p per6min. Reception 7am-llpm. Dorms £19; doubles £32-42; quads £68-78; quints £97.

Jurys Inn Manchester, 56 Great Bridgewater St. (953 8888). Enormous rooms, luxurious baths, and professional service. A double and single bed in every room. Hardly a deal for solo travelers, but a bargain for those with companions. £73 per room, weekend specials subject to availability.

Student Village, Lower Chatham St. (236 1776). Dorm-style accommodations; groups of 3-7 single rooms share common space, kitchens, and bathrooms. Open mid-June to Sept. Singles £17, students £15.

Burton Arms, 31 Swan St. (fax 834 3455). Basic rooms above a pub on a busy street. A 15min. walk from both train stations and St. Peter’s Sq. Full English breakfast £3. Singles £25; doubles £40, with bath £60; triples £6090.

University of Manchester: Call the University Accommodation Office (275 2888, open M-F 9am-5pm) to find out which dorms are available for lodging during summer vacation (mid-June to mid-Sept). 3-7 day minimum stay. Reserve a week or more in advance with deposit. From £42 per week. Dorms offering lodgings include Hume Hall (275 0210) and Hardy Farm (861 9913). O

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