It’s Saturday morning it’s December 12 2018 I woke up relatively early today I made a huge breakfast I had a bowl oats Chobani two eggs a little cup of coffee getting some work done right here my computer only one thing is missing from this nice easy Saturday morning in the apartment, and that’s you Jessica, I’m excited to see the posts from Miami today I can’t like sometimes I can’t even believe that you are traveling to these places like we talked about that last night. But you know you’re gonna wake up today, and you’re gonna be way down in the tropics in Miami with the palm trees, and the birds, and the other storms, and the flu I haven’t seen a full rainbow before like a like a complete rainbow we’re on location today in Miami, and we are in this gorgeous house it is it’s pretty insane it’s like red on the water there’s this little pool, and everything, and a dock, and a rainbow, and then there’s like the whole area where we’re shooting well okay we’re setting up in there we’re not shooting in there I think we’re gonna end up shooting outside maybe here somewhere or like on location more somewhere.

I don’t really know what’s happening we don’t really like get told everything this red bat was so sick like more excited about this rainbow than I am about anything else right now like okay last night when I was on my flight I am my carry-on luggage got checked, and I was so pissed. So mad, and I just could have still rough the play feel like Bert grumpy, and then they gave me a cookie as, I’m getting off, and I was just. So happy. Because I got cookie, and now there’s this rainbow, and I was like yay rainbow cookie happiness I feel like such a cheeseball. But like that’s so cool just made a nice little cup of coffee I only need one cup. Because, I’m gonna go meet someone in ten minutes, I’m meeting up with a viewer from Texas I believe he’s from he’s a real estate agent he’s moving to New York in the new year asked me if I went to the meet up have some time this morning. So, I’m gonna go down, and meet him for a nice cup of coffee I don’t even need a jacket today.

MIAMI BEACH Photo Gallery

Because it’s 65 degrees in New York City let’s get a little look out the window actually before we go, I’m gonna leave this window open. Because I wanna get some fresh air in here we’ve had the window shot in the apartment for a long time, I’m gonna head out now, and go meet up for some coffee. So I’ve done my first shot of the day which see if I can get it in the frame was on the rooftop up there somewhere it’s a really beautiful view, and I don’t know if we’re going to go back up there at all. But if I do, I’ll get like a little quick shot of it. Because I was pretty cool and, I’m just kind of hanging out right now I’ve always done one shot, and it’s already almost 1:00. So it’s a really just chill hanging around sort of day kind of annoyed. Because I totally could have slept in longer this morning.

But what can you do alright. So it is the end of the day now we have just finished up shooting, and everybody’s just setting up packing getting ready to leave I put on my regular clothes today honestly it’s so funny. Because I just shot a bunch of business wear for Lands End, and this was almost all like sort of business wear suit jackets, and pants, and dresses, and stuff. So I’ve been like quite the business mood, and speaking of business modes or business outfits I have sort of a business type interview on Monday that, I’m really excited about it’s in the New World Trade Center building, I’m really nervous, I’m not gonna lie. But, I’m really excited at the same time it’s a huge opportunity, and the person who emailed me is a hugely influential at the place it’s like the lead person Eric will be postging.

I think we’re going to go up to the observatory too, and I haven’t been up there all yes, I’m really really excited about that. But we’re just gonna head back to the hotel, and then maybe hopefully, I’m gonna get the beach time in smells like putt just met up with Carlos we had some coffee at the York social I was there before with Andrew, and Michael about a month ago, and they’re in the city Carlos had an interview at 11:30 for a job at a real estate agency here in Manhattan, and that’s what he’s been doing this past week is going to these different agencies, and interviewing after his interview he invited me out to the Ralph Lauren flagship store right here on Madison Avenue on the corner of 73rd, and Madison, and apparently it’s a mansion actually oh there it is right there it’s a big Bush that is a huge store it’s pretty much a mansion, I’m waiting for Carlos, and his friend now most likely not going to be able to post in here. But if I can, I’ll get some shots oh my goodness look at that sunset that is a killer sunset I just got back to the hotel, and I jumped in the shower really quick.

Because I decided okay the Sun is setting it was a little bit cool out compared to how it was this afternoon, and I was like I just don’t want to go walk down to the beach have it be too cold or the sun’s going down, and I just I just thought it ought to go down to the beach that I was going to do it tomorrow morning instead I should gonna wake up a little bit earlier. Because I love the beach in the morning that’s probably one of my favorite times to go the beach was early early in the morning, and the Sun is rising I just think is most one of the most beautiful things in the world to me it’s just it’s so gorgeous. But I decided that I was going to do a oh my god can you hear that, I’m this, I’m on the ninth floor, and someone just revved their motorcycle engine, and I could hear it all the way up here, and see sound travels have walls. So easily. But like I say I asked you guys on snapchat if you guys wanted to see a how I curl my hair sort of tutorial, and I got an overwhelming response oh yes I got. So many snaps from you guys. So I decided that I would just hop in the shower quick wash my hair get all the products out of it from earlier today.

So I can start with sort of a clean slate to show you guys what I do, and how I get the curls that I get. So, I’m just letting my hair dry out now, and I think in order room service I just looked up at the picture above my bed, and it is like a painting of a oop, and a. But that’s how you know that you’re in Miami I was not expecting that oh my goodness, I’m going to order now I feel, I’m gonna just leave the camera up. So you guys can see how awkward I am when, I’m on the phone the phone things that’s in regaining. So, I’m just going to thank you for calling, and room/dining we will be with you momentarily yeah ordered salmon it wasn’t too painful he’ll take it to Eric or should I say back to Eric I stopped at the post office. Because I haven’t checked the peel box in a while, and look what we have here a whole bag of mail the guy gave me a huge bag. Because there’s no way I could carry that home this is just for some perspective of how much mail there is you guys are crazy this normally normally when we get the mail, and that there’s a lot of boxes it’s moving very light these boxes whatever is in these boxes is very very heavy.

So I made it a few blocks I tried to bike home I made it a block I fell. So I basically I’ve been walking the bike, and carrying the mail on my shoulder like that. But I want to stop here, and show you guys this this is the bird barber shop that I went to last time, and right out front today since it’s so warm out just look who is outside on the sidewalk please don’t touch Birds bite hard yes they do jessica’s bird bites. So hard the one Picasso, and then look who’s outside today it is so warm today that they have the birds out normally the birds I’d say they stuff from the birds out in October or. So. But it is the middle of December, and the birds are out on the sidewalk Jessica they’re waiting for you to come home, and give them squishes I have to get this, and that back to the apartment.

So what, I’m going to do most likely is, I’m going to lock the bike up here leave the bike carry the packages back, and come back for the bike. Because I don’t want to try biking all this back to the apartment, and crashing, I’m going to pull on it you mutt hmm oh my goodness buddy here, I’ll show you the presents under the tree I put all the packages under the Christmas tree bumper the bum Christmas presents yeah I know when you come back we’re a new Christmas time mail post yeah oh my goodness FaceTime is the best thing. But at the same time it’s the worst thing. Because you’re talking to the person that you love. But there’s the screen in the way, and then on the other side of the screen well physically here there’s nothing. But then on the other side of the screen she’s in Miami. So it’s like if I could go through the camera it gets up in the camera pop out the other side I’d you imagine that in the future I feel like that might be a thing where you could actually be I guess teleported through a camera I don’t know maybe one day until that day happens oh, I’m gonna go to the gym, I’m gonna get a workout in I had say that the tree looks a lot nicer oh no don’t look at that stuff there that’s all dirty the tree looks a lot nicer with some presents under it now all you guys who sent us some mail for the Christmas mail post that we’re going to do thank you guys today is one of the days where, I’m glad that, I’m posting this.

Because today has been a very easy day you know it’s very easy on days like today to just stay in the apartment. Because of this post blog, I’m gonna look back at this, and be like you know what I went to the gym on that day where I was feeling lazy work as it’s done we’re getting there we’re making progress basically what, I’m doing until I actually start my training program is a toning work. So lots of circuits lots of cardio core today I did a mile warm up on the treadmill, and then I did a 45-minute circuit of basically just total body legs chest back arms shoulders I feel good, I’m finally starting to feel good, and today I was doing FaceTime with Jess, and I had my shirt off, and she said wow there’s some abs coming back hair I always feel amazing after I workout especially when, I’m in shape this is the best part of working out spinach carrots broccoli oats almond milk all the good stuff it’s like rewarding your body after you workout it’s the best part of the workout I think all right. So my room service just came it was a very nice guy named maverick how cool is that name right. So I got sued salmon with pancetta, and succatash, and then I got a glass of wine like I was saying earlier, and they brought me in a glass of water as well. Because, I’m one of those people that I always want water. But I never remember to ask for it.

So afterwards a North akaash should I got water oh that’s good, and like I was saying though this is more for after I feel my hair post, and when, I’m about to go to sleep just like settle down for the night. But, I’m going to go ahead, and eat my salmon tau facetiming with lei before bedtime with the horrible miami Wi-Fi Wow you’re uploading post for tomorrow yeah oh my goodness. So until tomorrow smile more worried less, and live my passion if you guys enjoyed today’s post from Miami, and in New York City give the post a thumbs up, and leave us a comment down below the comment theme is what is your favorite vacation spot that’s a good one I like that a lot until tomorrow everyone good night.

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