Minnesota Guide for Tourist

Minnesota bibliography

ACORN. Separate and Unequal: Executive Summary Minneapolis-St. Paul. St. Paul: Minnesota ACORN, 2004.

Amato, Joseph. To Call It Home: The New Immigrants of Southwestern Minnesota. Marshall, MN: Crossing Press, 1996.

Bushway, Deborah. The Vitality of Latino Communities in Rural Minnesota. Mankato, MN: Center for Rural Policy and Development, 2001.

Fennelly, Katherine. Immigration and Poverty in the Northwest Area States. Working paper no. 65. East Lansing: Michigan State University, Julian Samora Research Institute, 2005.

Latinos, Africans, and Asians in the North Star State: Immigrant Communities in

Minnesota. In Beyond the Gateway: Immigrants in a Changing America. Eds. Elizabeth Gozdziak and Susan Martin. Boulder, CO: Lexington Books, 2005, 111 -136.

Prejudice toward Immigrants in the Midwest. In New Faces in New Places: The

Changing Geography of American Immigration. Ed. Douglas Massey. New York: Russell Sage, 2008.

Kielkopf, James. The Economic Impact of Undocumented Workers in Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN: HACER, 2000.

Massey, Douglas. International Migration in a Globalizing Economy. Great Decisions, 2007, 41-52.

McMurry, Martha. Minnesota Labor Force Trends 1990-2000. Minnesota State Demographic Center, OSD-02-101. December, 2002.

Mines, R. S. Gabbard, and A. Steirman. A Profile of U.S. Farmworkers: Demographics, Household Composition, Income, and Use of Services. National Agricultural Workers Survey. Research report 6. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Program Economics, 1997.

O, Gilbert de la. Interview by Leah Schmalzbauer. St. Paul, MN. February 2007.

Owen, G. K. Ulstad, B. Shardlow, E. Shelton, and T. Cooper. Migrant Workers in Minnesota: A Discussion Paper. Unpublished study by the Wilder Research Center. St. Paul, MN, 2004.

Piore, Michael. Unemployment and the Dual Labor Market. Public Interest, 1975, 67-79.

Roethke, Leigh. Latino Minnesota. Afton, MN: Afton Historical Society Press, 2007.

Schmalzbauer, Leah. Striving and Surviving: A Daily Life Analysis of Honduran Transnational Families. New York: Routledge, 2005.

Singer, Audrey. The Rise of New Immigrant Gateways. Living Cities Census Series. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2004.

Valdes, Dionicio. Mexicans in Minnesota. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2005.

Wilder Foundation, Anti-Racism Research Team. An Assessment of Racism in Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington Counties: Executive Summary. St. Paul, MN: Wilder Research Center, 2004.

Ziebarth, Ann, and Jaehyun Byun. Migrant Worker Housing: Survey Results from SouthCentral Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN: HACER, 2002.

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