Moose River

Key Species: brook trout, landlocked salmon Best Way to Fish: wading, boat Best Time to Fish: May through September MAG: 40, A-5

Description: This is a freestone river with lots of deep pools and riffles. Water levels are controlled by the dam at Brassua Lake. The dam also ensures that river temperatures are always cold, a plus for coldwater species. Moose River residents include a population of larger than average crayfish, some with tails 3 or 4 inches long. These are known locally as ”Moosehead Lobsters.”

Special fishing regulations include a closed section of river, a 12-inch minimum length limit on brook trout, an 18-inch minimum length limit on lake trout, and special artificial-lures-only and fly-fishing-only seasons. Read the Open Water Fishing Regulations booklet carefully before fishing. Rockwood offers a number of private campgrounds.

Fishing index: This tributary of Moosehead Lake is a favorite spot for native brook trout and landlocked salmon fishing. The upper reaches are full of fastwater sections and large pools, and are best fished by wading. The lower section is deep and slow-moving. If you want to troll here, put in at the boat ramp in Rockwood on Moosehead Lake.

The area below Brassua Lake Dam offers excellent early-season landlocked salmon fishing. Watch for red markers indicating a closed section immediately below the dam. While May and June are also productive, September is the best. Fly fishers prefer streamers and bucktails. Large, bushy dry flies work well too, although few use them. Be sure to bring a selection of caddis flies in the summer, when these insects appear in huge numbers. Evenings are the best time to fish to the caddis hatch. Interestingly, the brook trout taken from Moose River are, on average, slightly larger than those taken from Moosehead Lake.

Directions: From Rockwood on Moosehead Lake, take Maine Routes 15 and 6 west toward Jackman. After 4.5 miles, look for a gravel road on the right. Park along Maine Routes 15 and 6 and walk down the gravel road, which leads to the dam at Brassua Lake.

For more information: Contact the Moosehead Lake Vacation and Sportsmen’s Association or the Moosehead Lake Region Chamber of Commerce.

Moose River Photo Gallery

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