Munich Map Tourist Attractions

Munich Map Tourist Attractions


Hotel Helvetia, Schillerstr. 6 ( 590 68 50), at the corner of Bahnhofspl. Just beyond the Vereinsbank, to the right as you exit the station. A friendly hotel with newly renovated rooms. Free Internet. Breakfast included. Laundry ‚6. Reception 24hr. Singles ‚30-35; doubles ‚40-55, with shower ‚50-65; triples ‚55-69; quads ‚72-90.

H Creatif Hotel, Lammerstr. 6 ( 55 57 85). Take the Arnulfstr. exit out of the station, hang a quick right, turn left on Hirtenstr. then right on Lammerstr. Uniquely modern rooms, all with bath, telephone, and TV. Internet ‚1 per 30min. Reception 24hr. Singles ‚30-40; doubles ‚40-65. Extra bed ‚10.

Pension am Kaiserplatz, Kaiserpl. 12 (34 91 90). U3 to Munchener Freiheit. Take the escalator to Herzogstr. then turn left; it’s 3 blocks to Viktoriastr. Take a left at Viktori-astr.; it’s at the end of the street on the right. A few blocks from nightlife central-a good location if you doubt your sense of direction after a couple of beers. Motherly owner offers elegant rooms, each one in its own style, from Victorian to modern. Breakfast included and served in-room. Reception 7am-8pm. Singles ‚31, with shower ‚47; doubles ‚5357; triples ‚6366; quads ‚84; quints ‚105; 6-bed rooms ‚126. Pension Locarno, Bahnhofspl. 5 ( 55 51 64). Cozy rooms, all with cable TV and phone. Reception daily 7:30am-5pm. Singles ‚38; doubles ‚57; triples ‚69; quads ‚81. Hotel Kurfplaz, Schwanthaler Str. 121 ( 540 98 60). Exit on Bayerstr. from the station, turn right and walk 5-6 blocks down Bayerstr. veer left onto Holzapfelstr. and make a right onto Schwanthaler Str. Or, take streetcar #18 or 19 to Holzapfelstr. and walk from there. TV, phone, and bath in all rooms. Breakfast included. Internet ‚3 per 30min. Reception 24hr. Singles from ‚50; doubles from ‚100.

Hotel-Pension am Markt, Heiliggeiststr. 6 (22 50 14), smack dab in the city center, off the Viktualienmarkt. Take any S-Bahn to Marienpl. then walk past the Altes Rathaus and turn right down the little alley behind the Heiliggeist Church. Small but spotless rooms are wheelchair-accessible. Breakfast included. Reception (3rd fl.) daily 7am-9pm. Singles ‚38, with shower ‚66; doubles ‚6887-92; triples ‚100123.

Pension Frank, Schellingstr. 24 (28 14 51). U3 or 6 to Universitat. Take the Schelling-str. exit, then the 1st right onto Schellingstr. Rooms with balconies in a great location for cafe and bookstore aficionados. Breakfast included. Reception daily 7:30am-10pm. 3- to 6-bed dorms ‚25; singles ‚35-40; doubles ‚52-55.


For an authentic Bavarian lunch, grab a Brez’n (pretzel) and spread it with Leber -wurst (liverwurst) or cheese. WeifSwiirste (white veal sausages) are another native bargain. Don’t eat the skin of the sausage, just slice it open and eat the tender meat. Leberkas is a slice of a pinkish, meatloaf-like compound of ground beef and bacon, and Leberknodel are liver dumplings, usually served in soup.

The vibrant Viktualienmarkt, south of Marienpl. is Munich’s gastronomic center. It’s fun to browse, but don’t plan to do any budget grocery shopping here. (Open M-F 10am-8pm, Sa 8am-4pm.) Birthplace of the beer garden, Munich’s progeny are everywhere. The university district off LudwigstraBe is Munich’s best source of inexpensive and filling meals. Many reasonably priced restaurants and cafes cluster on Schellingstrafie, Amalienstrafie, and Tiirkenstrafie (U3 or 6 to Universitat.)

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