Munich is a prime museum city many of the city’s offerings would require days for exhaustive perusal. The Miinchner Volkshochschule (48 00 62 29) offers tours of many city museums for 6. A day pass to all of Munich’s state-owned museums is sold at the tourist office and many larger museums (15). All state-owned museums are free on Sunday.

PINAK0THEK DER M0DERNE. The newest and largest addition to Munich’s world of art offers four museums in one. Paintings, drawings, architecture, and design occupy the large building created by Munchener Stephan Braunfels. Lose yourself in the works of Picasso, Dali, Matisse, Warhol, and others. (Barerstr. 40. U2 to Konigspl. Take a light at Konigspl. and a left after 1 block onto Meiserstr. Open Su and Tu-Sa 10am-5pm. 5, students 3.50. Day pass for all 3 Pinakotheke 12.)

DEUTSCHES MUSEUM. One of the largest and best museums of science and technology, with fascinating displays, including a mining exhibit that winds through a labyrinth of recreated subterranean tunnels. The museum has over 50 departments covering 17km. (Museuminsel 1. SI or 8 to Isartor or streetcar #18 to Deutsches Museum. Open daily 9am-5pm. 7.50, students 3. Guidebooks 4.)

ALTE PINAK0THEK AND NEUE PINAKOTHEK. Commissioned in 1826 by King Ludwig I, the world-renowned Alte Pinakothek houses Munich’s most precious art, including works by da Vinci, Rembrandt, and Rubens. The Neue Pinakothek next door displays paintings and sculptures of the 19th to 20th centuries, including van Gogh, Cezanne, and Manet. (Barerstr. 27-29. U2 to Konigspl. Each open W, F, Sa-Su 10am-5pm; Tu-Th 10am-8pm. Each 5, students 3.50; combination ticket 85.)

BMW MUSEUM. The ultimate driving museum features a fetching display of past, present, and future BMW products. The English brochure Horizons in Time guides you through the spiral path to the top of the museum. (Petuelring 130. U3 to Olympiazentrum. Take the Olympiaturm exit and walk a block up Lerchenauer Str.; the museum will be on your left. Open daily 9am-5pm. 3, students 2.)

ZAM: ZENTRUM FUR AUSSERGEWOHNLICHE MUSEEN. Munich’s Center for Unusual Museums brazenly corrals under one roof such treasures as the Ped-dle-Car Museum and the Museum of Easter Rabbits. (Westenriederstr. 41. Any S-Bahn or streetcar #17 or 18 to Isartor. Open daily 10am-6pm. 4, students 3.)

MUNCHENER STADTMUSEUM. Exhibitions depict Munich’s city life and history through film, fashion, music, weaponry, puppetry, posters, and more. Classic films (4) nightly at 6 and 9pm, plus 11am and 3pm on Sundays. Foreign films in the original language with German subtitles. Call 23 32 41 50 for a program. (St.-Jakobs-pl. 1. Sl-8 to Marienpl. Walk down Rindermarkt Str. for 3 blocks; turn left on St.-Jakobs-pl. Open Su and Tu-Sa 10am-6pm. 4, students 2; family pass 6.)


Munich’s cultural cache rivals the world’s best. Sixty theaters of various sizes are scattered throughout the city; styles range from dramatic classics at the Residenztheater and Volkstheater to comic opera at the Staatstheater am Gartnerplatz to experimental works at the Theater im Marstall in Nymphenburg. Munich’s opera festival (in July) is held in the ElBayerische Staatsoper (Bavarian National Theater), Max-Joseph-pl. 2. (Tickets 21 85 19 20; recorded info s 21 85 19 19. Streetcar #19 to National theater or U3-6 to Odeonspl. Standing-room and student tickets 4-10, sold lhr. before performance at the side entrance on Maximilian-str. Box office open M-F 10am-6pm, Sa lOam-lpm. No performances Aug. to mid-Sept.) Monatspro-gramm (1.50) and Munich Found (3) both list schedules for Munich’s stages, museums, and festivals. Munich reveals its bohemian face in scores of small fringe theaters, cabaret stages, and art cinemas in Schwabing.


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