Naked Brunch US Map & Phone & Address

Naked Brunch US Map & Phone & Address

Lyric Stage, 140 Clarendon St, Boston; (617) 859-8163

More prevalent since Mine first researched Boston, improvisation is a comedy form that gets audience members into the act. Anyone can shout out suggestions for characters and locales, which the comedians spin out into wacky scenes on the spot. Adding a further twist to the proceedings, Naked Brunch is Boston’s only (thus far) gay and lesbian improv troupe. Now that makes for some unusual situations.

Admission is just $8 at the door.

As of this writing, performances were being held on Fridays at 10:30 p.M. Call ahead though; the Bruncher Mine spoke with said they were looking for a new space where they could perform earlier in the evening. The number above will put you directly in touch with the Naked Brunch troupe. If you wish to contact the Lyric itself, call (617) 437-7172.

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