National Geographic Hiking Maps

Mountain rescue. So much more than mountains.

Mountain rescue team members are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – whatever the weather -to recover climbers from precipitous crags, reunite lost walkers with their pals and ensure injured and sick casualties are safely delivered into vital hospital care.

They regularly help search for missing children and vulnerable adults, on and off the hills, whilst administering sympathetic support to their families. They search river banks and swift water, and wade chest-deep through flooded urban streets and swollen rivers aiding kayakers and devastated homeowners.

National Geographic Hiking Maps Photo Gallery

Where access or weather conditions prevent the statutory services from operating effectively, team members are frequently on hand to help. And some of our teams venture underground too.

Between them, they have rescued a frankly stunning number of dogs, cows and sheep, from all manner of inaccessible places.

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