New Bridge Cafe US Map & Phone & Address

650 Washington Ave. Chelsea; (617) 884-0134 Distinguished by a pretty plum-col-ored awning that seems out of place in a residential section of Chelsea, the New Bridge Cafe must also overcome a rather narrow interior. Duck in the door and slip past the long bar, where you will find tables jammed into two different dining areas. Fortunately, the meals are plenty large enough; the cafe further makes up for its size by serving


339 Washington St. Stoughton; (617)341-5665

879 Main Sl, Waltham; (617) 893-4445

See the listing under Waltham/ Watertown.

A nice, big order of bread almost beat Mine to the table, always a good sign. Despite a tempting special of the day (baked scallops, $7.95), he just had to go for those sirloin steak tips, marinated in the restaurant’s own barbecue sauce and served with a choice of salad, rice, fries, or pasta, all for a striking $6.95. The order was immense and delicious. Pork tips, lamb tips, and countiy-style ribs, all around $7, are also great deals; get a combination of any two for $7.65.

The remainder of the menu includes a number of pasta dishes ($4.75-$6.95) and sandwiches ($4.95, with big, curly steak fries, gnarled like tree branches), but it’s crazy to look past the tip dinners; add a salad for $1.50 to feel better about yourself.

There is, of course, a full bar to go with the food. New Bridge’s lounge-type decor appears not to have changed since the 1970s, but no one seems to mind. Talk about overcoming a Napoleonic complex this tiny place sure gives you a lot. The kitchen is open until 10:45 p.M. every night, Sundays til 10 P.M.


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