New Broadway Theater US Map & Phone & Address

277 Broadway, Somerville; (617) 625-1300

The latest resident ensemble at the Elizabeth Peabody House/Performance Place, this troupe presents an ambitious season of high-quality plays. These range from classics like Goldoni’s The Servant of Two Masters to contemporary comedies like The Kathy and Mo Show. Tix are usually around $15.

New Repertory Theatre

54 Lincoln St. Newton; (617) 332-1646

This highly respected professional ensemble presents a variety of British and American plays from Noel Coward to Sam Shepard. A recent bill of one-act plays included works by Anton Chekov, Peter Shaffer, and Dorothy Parker. Tickets start around $12; subscriptions bring the price down by about one-third. New Rep also has a Platform Series, staged readings of new plays, with free admission. Discover a future masterpiece!

New Broadway Theater US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

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